Hi, July.

You should expect it coming anyway. Time passed so quickly and the realization of that half of the year is over pounced on me last night like a cheetah striking a zebra when it least expected. I don't know what am I saying.

Anyway, the first day of July is my mom's birthday. We didn't really throw a party or something and sorry dad, I couldn't do the things that you messaged me. I wonder how people like a friend of mine can come up with creative ideas for gifts and present every year for like so many people in her life.

Personally, I don't mind not receiving gifts but I don't know how people feel about this. We will just treat our mom a dinner and wish her happy birthday. Now that I'm mentioning it I hope she's not disappointed or something.

Anyway, my mom had always been the superhero in my life and I really can't live without her. She's the strongest person I have ever seen, having to deal with three children without her husband always by her side.  She gave birth to me, raised me and supported me thorough my life and I really love her.

I'm grateful for having such a wonderful mother.

I figured if I showed a picture of my dad pointing at wood, I should show a picture of my mom pointing at food.


So yeah, July is here and I'm still slacking my way through the year. I'll be begin studying soon but it's not until the end of the month. But sometimes I'll get nervous by just thinking about it. The thought of finally doing something also scares me because I have been living lifelessly for the half of the year.

Sorry mom and dad for being a useless daughter *digs hole and buries head*

Well anyways, I don't know what to think about as the year is slowly ending. It's only July but surely it will be August soon and then poof, here comes 2014. But that's life, isn't it? Yeah, I have nothing to write so I'm going to say the usual useless stuffs, hmm.

Well, I guess I will be looking forward for the Bon Odori festival on the 6th and of course, my studying life will begin soon. And then my dad will be back for a while and let's have some fun, dad.

I guess that's all for now. Bye.


If you're reading this then maybe I'm not going to say anything anymore.


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