
Showing posts from September, 2013


Things are happening everyday. Maybe sometimes it feels like it's the same routine over and over again, but surely there are little changes here and there. I really don't know what to say, 'cause my life is really boring right now. Yeah, I'm doing stuff but they're nothing much. I don't know how many times I have said this, but I just have to update my blog about my life. I don't like the idea of a dead blog. If you're going to be lazy, don't start a blog at all. Yeah, it feels like a responsibility although I have been focusing on my education blog more. *kneels and cries* Anyway, one of the more interesting events that happened is when I attended a talk by Cheeming Boey, a former animator in Blizzard Entertainment. He had a talk at my campus and my English lecturer told us to attend since she had a meeting during our class time. I was GLAD to go to that talk. Seru told me about Boey, and I was really amazed by his art on foam cups.

31st of August.

I was desperate to go back to the past, wanting to destroy it once and for all. And when I did, I was on a ride, with my memories passing by. It didn't hurt me as I thought it would, probably because it holds no meaning for me now and it was some time ago. But I still I want it gone. It felt like a dirty stain I have to erase, an evidence of a murder of my innocence, and just because I want to forget every single trace of it. I'm glad I did. It disappeared, but that doesn't mean it never happened. It'll be at the back of my mind forever, unless I got hit in the head and lost my memory. Sometimes, I do wish something like that will happen so I don't have to think about things like that anymore. And it will follow me, till the day I die. --- Honestly, I have nothing to blog about. The life I'm living currently is only happening in my campus, my home and my dance studio. Everyday is repeating cycle. The 31st of August is the independenc