31st of August.

I was desperate to go back to the past, wanting to destroy it once and for all. And when I did, I was on a ride, with my memories passing by. It didn't hurt me as I thought it would, probably because it holds no meaning for me now and it was some time ago.

But I still I want it gone. It felt like a dirty stain I have to erase, an evidence of a murder of my innocence, and just because I want to forget every single trace of it. I'm glad I did.

It disappeared, but that doesn't mean it never happened. It'll be at the back of my mind forever, unless I got hit in the head and lost my memory. Sometimes, I do wish something like that will happen so I don't have to think about things like that anymore.

And it will follow me, till the day I die.


Honestly, I have nothing to blog about. The life I'm living currently is only happening in my campus, my home and my dance studio. Everyday is repeating cycle.

The 31st of August is the independence day of Malaysia but I'm not a patriotic person so I never bothered to celebrate it. I remember I would get real worked up when I was younger, but as I grow up things like these never looked important anymore. I have other things to do.

But I'll just say, Selamat (HAI SERUUU Idon'tthinkyou'rehereanymore) Hari Merdeka, because I'm a Malaysian.

The only thing I'm happy about this day is because it's a public holiday and that means I'm free from everything for the whole day. I took this opportunity to deal with my assignment, which requires me to go out. My mother wanted to visit my grandmother, so we went to Mid Valley along the way.

We left the house in the morning, because you can't get any parking at Mid Valley in the afternoon, it's just that packed. Heck, when we arrived there in the morning, there was already many people before us. I'm really glad my mom chose to go out in the morning.

The main point of going to Mid Valley was to do my assignment, which is taking pictures. I had to chose a subject matter and just take pictures of them. I chose 'circles or round objects'. The problem wasn't taking pictures, the problem was I had to take photos of these objects with a frame, held out inches in front of me.

And there I was, looking like a weirdo holding a frame and taking pictures in public. But it was okay, I had fun searching for circles or round objects. My mom was really helpful that she kept calling me to take pictures whenever she spotted something round or circular. I couldn't just take anything that is round or circular (my lecturer has DAMN high expectation of us) so I had to chose my subject matters carefully.

Friend says it looks like a club when it's only Daiso LOL.

I don't really mind taking pictures of objects in such a weird way but I think it's ridiculous when I'm taking pictures of food. I would go in a restaurant, stand to get a better view and take pictures from above with a frame in my hand. I know there are people who love photographing food (I'm not one of them) but holding a frame? People might think I'm an obsessed Instagrammer when I don't even have an Instagram account.

But it's better than another assignment of mine where I have to take pictures of the ceiling fan. I had to get the right exposure which is difficult because my house is dark. Everything, while lying on the ground. My back hurts, ugh.

By the time we finished our lunch, my brother was getting annoyed for being out for too long. I'm not a fan of shopping but men seem to have little patience when shopping. But I had to continue my assignment so we walked around the mall. It's a big place so there are lots of circles and round things. We did hang out at the arcade and play a few games, and got a free game because a kid didn't know it hasn't ended.

I think some arcades aren't suitable for kids because they don't know how to play at all.. Me and my brother shook our heads as we watched a little boy missing all the beats when playing a music game.

I thought going to Uniqlo would cheer my brother up because he always wanted a Monster Hunter shirt. Well, we did found the MH shirts and ugh, Uniqlo has amazing shirts. I had to resist buying MH and OP shirts but I bought another two more feminine long sleeves T-shirts. Yes, I want to dress like a girl some times. I had to resist buying a jockey jacket too. Maaaan, it's so nice I was heart broken to leave it at the rack.

But my brother was happy when we left the mall and I'm fine with that. We then visited my grandmother and I fell asleep ..

We went to Pizza Hut just to take this picture. Thankyoumummy OTL.

I had fun. Maybe this is how I celebrate Malaysia's independence, hmm. But that means August is ending soon and it'll be September, and that means 2013 will only have four months left. Time flies, huh. Soon, I'll be corpse hmmmmmmmmmmm?!


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