
Things are happening everyday. Maybe sometimes it feels like it's the same routine over and over again, but surely there are little changes here and there.

I really don't know what to say, 'cause my life is really boring right now. Yeah, I'm doing stuff but they're nothing much. I don't know how many times I have said this, but I just have to update my blog about my life. I don't like the idea of a dead blog. If you're going to be lazy, don't start a blog at all.

Yeah, it feels like a responsibility although I have been focusing on my education blog more. *kneels and cries*

Anyway, one of the more interesting events that happened is when I attended a talk by Cheeming Boey, a former animator in Blizzard Entertainment. He had a talk at my campus and my English lecturer told us to attend since she had a meeting during our class time. I was GLAD to go to that talk.

Seru told me about Boey, and I was really amazed by his art on foam cups. I've also liked his Facebook page and enjoyed his latest journal updates. I'm kinda proud, because he's a Malaysian like me. And he's able to work at the States as the lead animator for the game Diablo 2. I really love his honesty.

The main point of the talk was to promote his second book about his childhood with the title 'When I Was a Kid 2'. He then told us stories about his past and I couldn't help laughing at what he has gone through. I bought the first book and he signed it. I managed to talk to him for a while. It felt awesome.

Then after he signed his book I had to rush my class. We did outdoor drawing and it rained and it was cold and I was hungry and we drew until 8PM. Tiring. But fun. Really fun. But tiring.


I just read finished the manga Deadman Wonderland. I think Shiro's really pretty and she's an albino. I really love her white eyelashes. The story is interesting, but not outrageous enough to blow my mind. I have read mangas like SNK and maybe I got used to bizarre plot twists and just, weird stuffs.

I've received a comment from a girl saying that she would like to know more about handsome anime guys. And you don't know how I delighted I was. I love having responses from readers (though they're really rare) and that just mean there is a soul out there reading my pathetic blog. What is more pathetic is they're reading my past posts that has terrible English.

But I am glad, really glad. I went back to check out my posts and they're just horrible to read. I was young back then so it (my English and content) was really terrible. *giggles*

So yeah, if you're reading this Sandy, I'll try my hardest to search for more handsome anime guys.

My posts on anime/manga seems to be more popular, hmm?


AuditionSEA celebrated their 7th birthday today. And obviously, the event is held at Singapore. Which makes me sad because I could have claim a bonus prize there but they wouldn't allow a representative. Well, it isn't the first time I have missed events like these.

Couldn't win with this design.

I've also heard that Chelly was going to perform at Singapore's AFA during November. Before that, I've also heard that she was going to hold a concert at Malaysia. But the one at AFA is probably 100% confirmed and true.

And seriously, I really, really, really, really, really want to go there and watch Chelly. But I think I'm going to Thailand that week. Why is it that I'm always at a vacation during anime conventions. Why? Why why why why it happened so many times that it makes me pissed off.

Chelly, I really want to meet her. And it's not like I wanted to see T.O.P because he's handsome. I really want to meet her and hear her voice. I really love her as a fan OTL.

Oh, Chelly.


My Ballet examination is on the 5th of October. And I have skipped one lesson and going to skip two in the future. And that really, really, really, sucks. Ballet is one of my top priority yet I have been pushing it aside because of university.

I had to skip one because my group members in university chose that day to work on our sculpture. I felt really frustrated. And I have to skip two days of classes because I have to attend a stupid workshop because of the subject Malaysian Studies.

I'm really, really, really, really sad I can't attend these classes. How long more till I'll have to face the examiner. My left foot isn't strong at all en pointe and I have no confidence in that. And now the events and people in university are taking my time away from Ballet.


I'm scared.


I felt like I haven't been eating home-cooked meal lately. And it felt like I'm only sleeping when I'm at home. Am I that busy. It's true that I have been out of the house more.

I really like it when I can sleep in. It happened on Saturday when I was free for the whole day. I was happily rolling on my bed. But the thought of assignments got me up.

And now I feel like sleeping.


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