
Showing posts from January, 2014


Hi. *awkwardly smiles* Well, the first month of 2014 is ending soon and I guess I should write something. So far, I have been slacking in my home, sleeping more than staying awake since I'm still on my semester break. Time wasting? I guess, but I'm not complaining. Dear daddy, I finally understand your love for sleep. But it isn't all like that. My mom wanted get me and my brother's asses up from the chair so she decided to bring us to the gym. The offer was we could use the gym anytime we want, for a month. Does that make sense, hmm. We're all new to this gym thingy and it took weeks for us to finally get ourselves there. The first time we went there, we didn't know what to do or how to operate the machines. We looked at how others used it and tried to learn something from them. We did touch most of the machines. It's not bad, really. We went there for another few more days and I noticed that they are giving an offer for families. My mom asked abo
A post was supposed to be here but someone told me not to write anything. Sorry, but I'm sticking to my new year resolution. I could have wrote a review about Scream Park in Sunway but I had my eyes closed all the way. But then, I guess I'll keep it as a secret. I don't think I need to write things down to remember what happened anyway. Even if I can't remember the events clearly, I'll just remember me being happy. I hope you had a great time. I did. Thank you for everything. I want to eat takoyaki.

As a Beat Up Player.

You'll probably want to skip this if you're not an Audition player. These are only my opinions and views as a Beat Up player in AuditionSEA for five years. I couldn't really think of anything else, hmm. Sorry for a simple post!

Bangkok, Thailand.

The cutest snowman in the world. Happy New Year to my readers. I'm not terribly excited for it but it would be kinda rude to not wish anyone since it's the first day of January. I find it pointless, really. Anyway, I'm back at Malaysia from my Bangkok trip. I spent five days there with my family, along with my two aunts and my grandmother. Nothing really went wrong so I don't have anything to complain about. I guess that is a good thing, hmm. It's the second time I'm at Bangkok, and the fourth time I'm at Thailand so I'm not like, really surprised at how it's so different it is from Malaysia. Their language still sounds strange to me. DAY ONE So, on the 27th I departed from KLIA to Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok. After we arrived, we took taxis to our hotel apartment, Citadines. It's not a hotel, it's a hotel apartment. Over there you can cook, and they actually prepare a stove, pots and pans for you. It's a hotel apartment.