
Hi. *awkwardly smiles*

Well, the first month of 2014 is ending soon and I guess I should write something. So far, I have been slacking in my home, sleeping more than staying awake since I'm still on my semester break. Time wasting? I guess, but I'm not complaining.

Dear daddy, I finally understand your love for sleep.

But it isn't all like that. My mom wanted get me and my brother's asses up from the chair so she decided to bring us to the gym. The offer was we could use the gym anytime we want, for a month. Does that make sense, hmm. We're all new to this gym thingy and it took weeks for us to finally get ourselves there.

The first time we went there, we didn't know what to do or how to operate the machines. We looked at how others used it and tried to learn something from them. We did touch most of the machines. It's not bad, really.

We went there for another few more days and I noticed that they are giving an offer for families. My mom asked about it and it turns out we can save a lot if we registered ourselves as family members. Me and my brother hesitated since we didn't know if we have the time once university starts but the guy convinced us to join in the end.

Ahh, marketing.

We were given three free sessions with trainers. A woman called me when I was slacking on my bed and I wasn't really sure she was my trainer or not. We were supposed to meet on Monday morning but she wasn't there. My mom's trainer wasn't there either.

In the end, both of them said that they were in an emergency. Amazing coincidence, isn't it. *snorts*

I just went to the gym in the morning with my mom. She met up with another trainer and both of us did a test. Well, we didn't really did a test, all we did was stand on a machine and grab two handles it'll automatically calculate our BMI, skeletal mass and other stuffs.

My results were almost the same with my mom. We have to look after our diet and exercise, of course. The trainer was willing to train us both together since our goals are almost the same. My mom and I prefer to be trained together, anyway.

I guess everything is a new experience. It's definitely better than to be sleeping on my bed and I'm glad my mom brought us to the gym. Now my whole family goes to the gym, except for my dad. It's a good change, hmm. I hope all of us can maintain this attitude for at least a year.

I have no pictures to post because I think it's silly to take pictures in the locker room. Or the gym. Yes. Whatever. Hmm.


I have achieved 0 miss in Hands Up!!! in Beat Up mode and it's probably one of the best achievements I made. It's better than 0 miss in I Don't Care.

I don't wanna drag things because non-Audi players wouldn't get understand a single thing but thank you to Seru for teaching me the keys and the way to cross. Thank you Vercis for the support, I'm glad I made it soon after your encouragement. Thank you everyone who made playing Beat Up a wonderful experience for me.


I'll try to get a second 0 miss in SEA soon with my main account.


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