Bangkok, Thailand.

The cutest snowman in the world.

Happy New Year to my readers. I'm not terribly excited for it but it would be kinda rude to not wish anyone since it's the first day of January. I find it pointless, really.

Anyway, I'm back at Malaysia from my Bangkok trip. I spent five days there with my family, along with my two aunts and my grandmother. Nothing really went wrong so I don't have anything to complain about. I guess that is a good thing, hmm.

It's the second time I'm at Bangkok, and the fourth time I'm at Thailand so I'm not like, really surprised at how it's so different it is from Malaysia. Their language still sounds strange to me.


So, on the 27th I departed from KLIA to Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok. After we arrived, we took taxis to our hotel apartment, Citadines. It's not a hotel, it's a hotel apartment. Over there you can cook, and they actually prepare a stove, pots and pans for you. It's a hotel apartment. With an unswimmable swimming pool.

One of the features in this hotel apartment is different from what I have experienced before. That is, you have to insert your room key card in the elevators before you can press the button to your floor. It's new to me but my father said other countries had it already. I think it's quite troublesome.

This is actually from my dad's hotel apartment.

On the first day, we went to a shopping mall called Terminal 21. It's a very interesting place and I would recommend people to visit it even if you don't like shopping. The thing is, they designed each floor to match with a city. For an example, the second floor is London, and they decorated it to look like you're in London. Very beautiful place.

There is Rome, Istanbul, Tokyo, Paris, San Francisco and probably a few cities more. While the decorations are really pretty, what amazes me and my mom the most are their toilets. They put so much effort into their restrooms, following the styles of the original city. Yes, they're really serious about it.

Huge Japanese restroom sign.


I forgot what city this belongs to.

Why am I posting photos of toilets, hmm. Anyway, I shopped with my mom for some clothes. My dad was beside me telling me I'm turning into a woman and although I admit it too, but it's also because the clothes are sooooo cheap! You can't just walk away like that. *kneels at a corner*

I forgot my to bring my tooth brush. I was sleeping in the same room with my aunt as my mother went to my dad's apartment. So, it's different, I guess. (For those who don't know, my dad has been working in Thailand for years so he has been living in his own hotel apartment.)


Chinatown was where we headed on the second day. We took the MRT trains and a tuktuk to our destination. Tuktuks are auto rickshaws that are really common in Thailand. They're smaller than cars so sometimes they can avoid traffic and bring you to your destination faster.

Love my brother's face.

We arrived at Chinatown and the street was buzzing with people. Honestly, we didn't know where to begin. My mom had her first purchase of the day on a stall selling pomegranate juice. They're the unknown fruits that I have been colouring in my drawing classes. Finally, I know. *light shines*

They look kinda cute.

We walked for a while, and then my grandmother said she was tired and she didn't want to walk anymore. I don't blame her, she's old and I admire her for even agreeing to going to another country. One of my aunts took her back to the hotel apartment while the rest of us continue.

Some of the streets in Chinatown is filled with so many people that it is quite difficult to walk. To make matters worse, there are vehicles going through these narrow roads and the people have to stop in their tracks just to let these vehicles go first.

Yes, a car can fit in here.

We didn't really bought much that day, or did we buy anything at all? I forgot. I guess I didn't. We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant near our hotel apartment and had a break. Hours later, we went to my dad's hotel apartment which is probably 1km away.

His hotel apartment is a better one than ours and you can actually swim in the pool. My brother had been excited about swimming but because I was reluctant to join him, he decided not to swim. Not wanting to make my brother disappointed, I agreed to just maybe, play in the pool.

Boy, it was freezing in the water. Most people think it's sunny and hot in Bangkok, and I'm not saying that it isn't true, but at this time of the year where most of the world is experiencing winter, Bangkok is affected too. So instead of the hot weather, Bangkok was still sunny, but the air was cool.

It was probably, a torture, trying to even get ourselves into the pool. We tried to take a shower outside the pool but it was cold. The pool itself was probably ten times colder than the shower so it didn't really helped. The moment I went into the pool, my teeth wouldn't stop chattering.

Slowly, step by step me and my brother went deeper into the pool. The foreigners probably looked at us like we're some idiot Asians standing in the cold freezing waters. We really couldn't do anything, we didn't want to splash water at all.

After maybe half an hour of shivering in the water, we gave up and went back to my dad's room. I didn't get to play but it's the first time for me to be in such a cold pool. *shrugs*

Never touching cold water again.

We went back to our hotel before going to a night market called Asiatique. We headed to a BTS (Sky Train) before riding a ferry along the river. The free ferry ride has a terribly long queue so me, my parents and my aunt paid 20 Bath for an express ferry ride. Seriously, if you're willing to wait two hours for a free ride, go ahead.

Cards, kyaaaa.

Sooner or later, we arrived at the Asiatique, The Riverfront. It's also a beautiful place filled with people. And transgenders, mostly males becoming females. It's actually pretty normal in Thailand and many times I have passed by girls with huge breasts but having manly voices. *gasp* It's actually obvious, anyway.

So yeah, we had dinner there and we shopped and I did buy more clothes orz. ITWASCHEAP. Beautiful place. There's lots of restaurants to eat there too. Japanese restaurants are very popular in Thailand. You can find them anywhere.

Anyway, we head back and I had to sleep early because a van is going to pick us up early in the morning.


I'm beginning to think if I should divide this trip into two posts, hmm.

Thailand is behind Malaysia an hour but I never changed the settings of my phone. I set my alarm to wake me up at 5:45AM but because I forgot I was in Thailand, I actually woke up at 4:45AM. It didn't occurred to me until I walk out of my room and look at my watch.

We joined a tour to visit the Maeklong train station and the floating market so the van picked us up at 7AM. The driver picked up two other guys and four Malaysian girls. It was a ride that lasted an hour or more so I slept in the van. *curls up like a ball*

We arrived at the Maeklong train station first. The thing about this station is it's the last train station stop and along the railway tracks there are people putting up stalls, selling vegetables and fruits and things like a usual market place. And when the train arrives, they pack their stuffs, keep their shades and let the train pass. Once the train leaves, they go back to their business.

The market place has always been there so the locals refused to move even though having a train running past in front of your stall is super dangerous. I don't know if any accidents have happened but I think it's pretty risky, especially for tourists.

This is the railway track. Yes.

The train arrives at 9:45AM and yeah, the train barely passes the narrow railway track but there isn't much excitement there. You don't see a kid barely escaping or an old woman who accidentally fell on the track, so yeah. I'm so bad. *giggles and runs away*

Anyway, here's the video.

Everyone is busy taking the back of the train while the smart me takes the front of the train. *flips hair* Wait I don't have long hair anymore.

We left for the floating market after everyone has gathered. The floating market is basically a river with people selling stuffs on their boats, or sampans. The river isn't really big so there will be loads of boats and plenty of traffic. Yes, traffic.

There wasn't anything interesting to buy but I always wanted to see how they served meals on their tiny boats. They actually do put gas tanks on their boats and cook them in front of you. We only bought some coconuts to drink. It's too bad we can't eat their meat, kyaaaaa.

Just a snake(HAI SERUUUUU) freaking a kid out.

We didn't really go through the whole floating market because the guy (probably) didn't want to go through the traffic. We only rode on the boat for a while, so I thought it sucked. My mom also said they didn't bring us further down the river where the locals live along the river, like how they did when my parents went to Bangkok years ago.

Our next destination was an elephant village. My family already rode on elephants in Chiang Mai so we decided to skip it. It was probably the same, going through forests, walking across the river and things like that. So we just chilled out at a rest stop.

The Power of Six.

Then, the journey back to the city begun and yes, I fell asleep again. We requested the driver to drop us at the Platinum mall where we did more shopping, haha. My brothers who weren't interested made their way back to the hotel apartment by themselves.

Platinum Mall consist of two buildings and it'll probably take hours if you want to visit all the boutique shops in there. It's filled with people since it's the year end, I guess. I wanted to look for my green hoodie and blue sneakers but I only managed to get two phone covers. We went out of the mall after all of us felt tired, we didn't manage to visit all the floors and stores in the mall.

While walking back to the BTS station, we passed by a mall called the Central World. The area outside the mall is beautifully decorated. Like, why can't Malaysia be this beautiful? So we took quite a lot of pictures there. The snowman on the top of this post is also from there.

Super big Christmas tree.

There must be an event going on, since there's a quite a number of cosplayers there.

The thingy is blocking the view.

We went back to our own hotel apartment and I had Subway for dinner. I can't believe the menus are different in Thailand. The expensive sandwiches in Malaysia are cheaper in Thailand and the cheaper sandwiches are the most expensive ones in Thailand. I ordered the Subway Club and it only costed RM7.9 since there's an offer.


I woke up pretty late, I think.

We made our way to another mall called Siam Paragon to visit the Siam Ocean World. It reminds me of KLCC since they also have an aquarium inside the building, near a food court, hmm.

Look at its disoriented eyes.

When my dad asked for information about the tickets, we were told there was an cheaper price if we purchased the tickets to the Madame Tussauds wax museum too. My family agreed to the idea, but I was against it since I.. haveafearofwaxfigures. LOL.

Ever since I was a child, my mom said she I was afraid of the model figures in shopping malls. I wasn't fond of figures that looked like humans since I could remember. The trip to Singapore's wax museum scared the crap out of me and I decided not to enter one again.

But since my whole family wanted to go, and I didn't want to let them down, I agreed anyway. We headed to the aquarium first. I just went to Singapore's SEA Aquarium so there are a few things I have already saw. But somehow, I enjoyed Siam Ocean World since they have more species of animals, not only fishes.

*sharpens knife* Lololol.


We had a glass bottom boat ride, and whew, the sharks are huge. The stingrays are however, tiny. But it was a great experience, seeing the lazy fishes swimming underneath us. The guy also told us things about their fishes in the aquarium.

Here's a short video for you to enjoy.

The next part of the Siam Ocean World was the rain forest section where they display some other animals like frogs, otters, and some animal that looks like a giant rat, hmm. And they had penguins! ADORABLE SWIMMING PENGUINSSSS.

They have really big fishes. Here, have some adorable penguins.

However, Siam Ocean World lost to Singapore's SEA Aquarium at their jellyfish section. It was just a room with two types of jellyfishes. After that we went to watch their '5D' movie which is pretty disappointing. And that ended our journey in the aquarium, and that means the wax museum is next.

*poor quality strikes*

But before that, we had our lunch at a restaurant that my dad loves a lot. He has been recommending it waaaay before our we went to Bangkok and I was eager to try their food. It's a western restaurant called the Sizzler.

Once you order a meal (steak, pork chops, chicken chop, or seafood), you are free to take as much salad or soup as you can eat. But of course you don't want to be full with the appetizers before the main course, so eat in a considerate amount. I'm glad I ordered the tiny sirloin steak because it was very filling and de-de-delicioussss. 

Anyway, we cross a connecting bridge from Siam Paragon to Siam Center where the wax museum is. I wasn't really freaking out but I was kinda afraid that I kept bugging my family. The wax museum is the Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, hmm.

The first wax figure we saw was a normal Thai woman holding her hands in the normal Thai greeting way. It freaked me out but I was still okay. I don't like it when the figures look too much like real humans.

We entered the section where they display wax figures of world leaders, politicians and all the serious people in their serious world. I wasn't feeling afraid like before but I didn't want to take any pictures with them. And it was then my camera died because I didn't charge it on the night before.

I guess wax figures aren't really scary like how I imagined them to be and now I can take pictures with them comfortably provided no one suddenly scares me with them or if my imagination won't run wild imaging the wax figures to move suddenly. Hmm.

I have no idea who he is but I love the guitar.

Naomi Campbell is so extra in this picture, lolol.

So there I took pictures with celebrities and dead people and it was fun. I'm not even sure if I got over the fear of wax figures, or if I even had the fear of it. Well, I don't know. I guess I'm a little coward, that's all.

Anyway, we had a chance to create our own wax hand. The process takes some time so it was quite a long queue but we already payed for it in the offer sooooooo. I decided to make the 2NE1 hand symbol since the peace sign was so common.

They wash your hand with cold water and dip your hand in wax with the temperature of 65°C for a few times until the wax hardens on your hand. Then, they poke the wax is some spots and take it out carefully. I actually did it twice because they messed up with my wax hand the first time.

This is a video filmed by my left hand.

And here is the end product, jengjeng!

My fingers aren't that fat.

I'm posting so many videos for my readers, you guys should be so grateful LOLJK. Anyway, we went back to our hotel apartment after that. I had indomie for dinner after Seru kept telling me how heavenly it tasted. Too bad I didn't follow his instruction and ended up eating tasteless noodles, hurray.


Nothing much. My two aunts, my mom and me went to Terminal 21 for some last minute shopping while I tried to find something interesting for a souvenir. My mom went to find more bathrooms and then we shopped for some snacks to bring back to Malaysia.

We returned to the hotel at noon and departed to the airport shortly after that. My dad wasn't following us so we bid farewell at our hotel apartment. I am going to see him during CNY anyway, so it won't be long.

The directory in the airport sucks.

We arrived at Malaysia around the evening and I'm glad to be back safely. Well, I want to thank my parents for allowing me to go travelling around the world. I realized I'm really blessed to do so.

Now that it's the new year, school is starting again but I still have a month of holidays. I don't know what I'm going to do.


Baby I'm so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely.


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