
Showing posts from April, 2014

Left 4 Dead Island.

Zombies. Who doesn't like zombies. The world likes zombies. You have zombies movies, zombie games, zombie cartoons, zombie zombie zombie. The word 'zombie' is starting to look weird to me now. Normally, when you mention zombies, you will think about the zombie apocalypse. But because of media, there are actually people who want a zombie apocalypse to happen because they think it will be fun to kill zombies like how they do it in games. Unless you're in America, I don't see how fun it can be protecting yourself from zombies without guns. Even if you're in America with all the guns, it still doesn't make sense. Why would you want to chop off zombie heads when you can live peacefully, not chopping off zombie heads. Anyway, I'm posting about zombies because Seru (HAI SERUUUUU) suggested me to talk about the zombie games I have been playing. Since I don't have much content to talk about anyway. So far, I have only played two  zombie games, and t

As a Blogger.

I have to update my blog. I have to update my blog. I have to update my blog. --- Ahh, since I have nothing really interesting going on the one week holiday that is almost over as I am typing this, oh well yeah, my dad is back I'm happy and I'm currently playing another zombie game and ugh, nothing. ThankyousomuchSeru *buries head in the ground* I always think a lot before I post something because only that way I have something to write about. If you want me to write about lunch, no I can't do that unless something interesting happened. There's always content in my post (I think) so it's pretty hard for me to always have something fun to write. I have to make my life sound interesting to keep my blog alive. So, I'm just gonna talk about how it feels to be a blogger. Or at least, the author of my own blog. I begun blogging in 2008 and I remember my first post was about the Beijing Olympics. The second post was about a ballet move called the grand j