As a Blogger.

I have to update my blog. I have to update my blog. I have to update my blog.


Ahh, since I have nothing really interesting going on the one week holiday that is almost over as I am typing this, oh well yeah, my dad is back I'm happy and I'm currently playing another zombie game and ugh, nothing.

ThankyousomuchSeru *buries head in the ground*

I always think a lot before I post something because only that way I have something to write about. If you want me to write about lunch, no I can't do that unless something interesting happened. There's always content in my post (I think) so it's pretty hard for me to always have something fun to write. I have to make my life sound interesting to keep my blog alive.

So, I'm just gonna talk about how it feels to be a blogger. Or at least, the author of my own blog.

I begun blogging in 2008 and I remember my first post was about the Beijing Olympics. The second post was about a ballet move called the grand jeté (WHY) and my first three posts has a emoticon in their titles. Please don't check them out.

It was my uncle who introduced me to blogging because that was what his daughter was doing too. I remember him telling me that I can blog about ANYTHING. I'm guessing it was probably blogging that made me like to write. It does help me in essays in a way.

And anyone can be a blogger. Almost all of my friends in secondary school has their own blog but the problem was, can they keep it alive? To me it wasn't such a big problem because blogging is fun to me but I don't know for the others.

My brother stopped blogging after, I think, one single post? Some stopped updating and return after a year hiatus. Others keep deleting their old blogs and create a new one for I-don't-know-and-I-don't-care reasons. Some just forgot that they have a blog.

Blogging is I guess, a responsibility to me because I know there are friends and family who love reading my blog. And since I love doing it, I hope I can continue this habit until my hands can't work. But maybe technology will be so advanced in the future that I can write an autobiography with just my mind.

I like my posts with words, a total description of what I experience and photos are bonuses. One guy once that my blog was just a wall of text and yeah, I admit that. I just like that way. If you wanted a post with just photos you can do it with Facebook or Instagram. I like to keep my photos in a medium size too so it doesn't totally grab the attention away from the main point. I'll drown you with words, yes.

I'm a blogger but I'm not a fan of reading other people's blog. Because most of the time, it's either

- the blog is plain boring with no interesting content other than what you had for lunch and the friends who you meet every single day
- I don't want to know your love life
- emo, emo, emo, emo, emo *jumps off building*
- a blog post about a gathering and tons of selfies PLEASE DON'T BLOG ABOUT SELFIES
- drama and badmouthing
- b4d 3ngrish

I know, who I am to judge. Just like what my uncle said, you can post anything you want in your own blog. But seriously, it doesn't hurt to improve your English.

Well, I noticed popular blogs are often about fashion, food, travel or maybe just because the blogger is a really pretty girl. If the blogger is a really beautiful and owns a fashion blog then BAM look a selfie tsunami is coming in.

I'm sorry, I just don't understand.

I'm not a fan of fashion and I'm not a food lover so if that is what I have to do to make my blog popular, sorry I can't do that. I just can't limit myself to just a kind of topic in my blog because sometimes I just like to share random shits. But yeah, travelling is something fun to blog about. But you will probably need to fly everywhere. Hmm.

My blog is a place where I express myself, but I do try to post about positive things all the time. I'm an emotional person so there are times when I feel really down but I don't like sharing personal stuffs too much. Only happy thoughts. I don't want people to worry about me or ask me what happened because most of the time I don't want to explain.

I admit, I have used my blog as a medium to bad mouth people and I'm not proud. Most of the time, I delete those posts. Not that I'm mentioning it, I don't know if I removed a post when I was in secondary school. Hmm, I'll just leave it there.

I love sharing about things that I love and I have introduced some animes or mangas even after I have just started blogging. I think that's the only reason why I have audiences from other countries and people I don't know commenting on my blog.

My most popular post is something I'm not really proud of, which is a post about manga characters that I think are handsome. The second popular one is about handsome anime guys (WHY). Third is EGOIST. And my top five posts about are about manga and anime. *shakes head*

Well, there's nothing I can do. Anime and manga is definitely more interesting than my life.

Ahh well, I love blogging. And I hope to keep it as interesting as possible. And when I get old I can look for my old posts and feel embarrassed again. Though I think 311 posts is really an achievement for me. Hmm.


Oh, it's April.


Unknown said…
It's almost June! Hahaaha

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