Dear Dad.

To my number one fan,

Give me a moment to tell you how much I love you.

Even though you're often not at home, my love for you never decreased even the slightest. I'm always excited for the next time you come back home and it's always a pleasure to spend time with you. Distance wasn't a problem because our bond between a father and a daughter is strong.

When I heard about your condition, my heart sank.But mom told me you were taking actions like going to gym now and eating a little healthier, I felt a little better because I knew you were taking actions. It proves that you still care about your health.

One of the things that I love about you is that you're always so carefree. You don't worry as much as mum and perhaps because you spoil your kids more, that's why we are often given the green light if we asked you for anything. Especially when it comes to food, there's no saying 'No' to whatever we want to eat.

Unfortunately, your condition doesn't allow you to eat whatever you want now. I know it feels terrible to not eat the (delicious) things you're used to, but as your daughter that loves you, I'm asking you to care more about your health from now on.

Mum is most worried about your health and has been telling me how much she wishes to have you back home so she can prepare the meals you eat. You're quite stubborn as well to make mum angry, but I totally understand, there's no point being human if you can't eat what you want. But please do understand mum is doing whatever she can to make your health improve.

I know I'm asking a lot to my food-loving dad to change his diet, but let's start slowly. Reduce your sugar and carbohydrate intake and eat more vegetables. Exercise more, too. When I saw you at the gym the other dad, I couldn't tell you how proud I am for you to be working your ass out.

So please don't give up dad. Your family just want to best for you. It pains me to write this post for you but I'm sure it will hurt more if I hear your condition gets worse. If you can't do it for yourself, please do it for mum, or even me.

I hope this post will motivate you somehow. Just know that I will always be supporting you.

Words can't describe how much I love you dad.


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