
Showing posts from December, 2014

Comic Fiesta 2014

I never thought the day that I'll go to Comic Fiesta (CF) again will arrive. After my first trip to CF in 2011, I wasn't left impressed by the anime convention. I mean, I'm not a fan of buying stuffs and I probably stood more than I should on that day in 2011. But I went to Anime Festival Asia in 2013 and the ticket I bought included the pass to the concert and the anime convention. I enjoyed looking stuffs there and yeap, I still did not buy anything there. I regretted though. (An iPhone case with redjuice's illustration and some random K product so I can take pictures with the awesomely handsome Kaname) I thought I could bring some of my university friends to CF since they never been there before. I wasn't really hyped or anything but if my friends really wanted to go, why not.   We took the LRT 'cause noob Joon isn't confident in driving to KLCC. I've been told that the queue to buy tickets in CF is long. I didn't want to


She used to describe me as a person who is capable to move on quickly. No matter what shit is given to me I'll try to avoid, move on and get on my life. And that's true. When I decided I don't want something, someone in my life anymore, I'll use all sorts of ways, cut all ties to avoid and not see that particular thing in my life ever again. I have no desire to make contact or do anything with it anymore. All of the times when I make such decisions, I don't regret it. I don't miss the past. I'm fine living without it. It is like what she said, a breeze for me. A walk in the park. I have no problem to leave something out of my life. Forever. Yeah, it hurts time to time. But I guess humans are not that weak. We're tend to be okay after some time. People will tell you things are going to be okay, and you'll tell yourself you'll move on. Even it doesn't, even if you're alone, you'll at least go numb. 'Cause you're tired of

Things I've Learned From University.

I sincerely apologize for neglecting my blog. I have no excuses for not updating my blog and I feel reaaaalllly bad. I shall not talk about this matter anymore and let's just jump straight to the topic, shall we? My first semester of my degree program is ending soon but I've probably spent a year and a half in university already. Studying in a university is definitely a different experience from primary and secondary schools. I've (kinda) adapted into my surroundings and yeah, I'm trying to spend my last studying years well. After spending (a short) one year and a half at university, I've learned and noticed about things that can happen in university. So here is just a list of what I went through in university. 1. You will meet all sorts of people. This is probably because universities has students from different states or even different countries. Compared to the students you have in primary/secondary school who technically live in the same area as you, univ