Comic Fiesta 2014

I never thought the day that I'll go to Comic Fiesta (CF) again will arrive. After my first trip to CF in 2011, I wasn't left impressed by the anime convention. I mean, I'm not a fan of buying stuffs and I probably stood more than I should on that day in 2011.

But I went to Anime Festival Asia in 2013 and the ticket I bought included the pass to the concert and the anime convention. I enjoyed looking stuffs there and yeap, I still did not buy anything there. I regretted though. (An iPhone case with redjuice's illustration and some random K product so I can take pictures with the awesomely handsome Kaname)

I thought I could bring some of my university friends to CF since they never been there before. I wasn't really hyped or anything but if my friends really wanted to go, why not.

 We took the LRT 'cause noob Joon isn't confident in driving to KLCC.

I've been told that the queue to buy tickets in CF is long. I didn't want to buy my tickets early because I only wanted to attend a day, not two days of CF. I asked if my friends and they said it was okay to head out early. When we finally reached KLCC, we saw a super long queue and we only hoped for the best.

We were moved to another hall where more people are waiting. We began to worry if we're ever going to get our tickets but it turned out that half of the people in the hall are people who already bought the tickets, they were just waiting to get in the convention.

People sea people mountain.

I was also told that it will take forever to get a ticket but really all it took was a while. Soon we went into the convention hall and we're free to browse stuffs. The hall was really packed even if it opened for like less than an hour.

I met Cheezeh (childhood friend) while walking towards another hall and one of my friends, Vanessa went to hang around with her friend from her home in Kelantan. I was later left with another friend of mine, PJ to browse stuffs.

The Nvidia booth caught my attention but what I saw shortly after I found the booth was more amazing. There was a guy trying out the Oculus Rift.

What is an Oculus Rift? It's something like a huge goggles that has screens inside like a pair of glasses. The definition from Wikipedia is a virtual reality head-mounted display but I thought that is too confusing to understand, not that mine is any better.

But what can an Oculus Rift do is it is able to bring you to a virtual reality, another world. And it isn't 2D like how we play games with a flat screen. You can turn 360 degrees and look at any angle, the Oculus Rift will only make you see the virtual world.

It's like you're in another world. I'm not confident in my explanations so you can check a video in YouTube to understand how it works.

The Oculus Rift is friggin expensive, that's why not many people own it. Once I saw that they were giving people to try it for free, I jumped into the queue, waiting for my turn to try. The queue wasn't even very long, and I was so excited.

When it was my turn, the guy helped me place the Oculus Rift on and also a pair of headphones. The Oculus Rift was a little to heavy for me so I had to support it with my hands. With a click, the guy showed me a short, something like a video clip to let me experience the Oculus Rift.

Basically, I was shown an action scene. I was a spectator and the whole thing was set in a city. Some buildings were destroyed and there was explosions, fires and broken stuffs everywhere. There are soldiers or some kind of SWAT team shooting bullets to whatever what's in front of them and more boom and bang. A car flew over my head and soon there's a giant monster robot right in front of me.

Everything happened in slow motion, so I guess people would have the chance to fully experience the beauty. But later the giant monster robot proceeds to scream in your face and ah, that's not in slow motion.

The whole experience is spectacular. It really feels like you're in another world and the graphics are realistic. I turned my body around almost 360 degrees and I could see everything. The headphones definitely helped. It's a little unfortunate that I didn't adjust the Oculus Rift well enough so I couldn't enjoy the effects at the beginning.

 After taking it off it feels weird, like I had to adjust back to reality.

After we're done with the Oculus Rift, my friend proceeded to shopping while I just looked at stuff. I didn't buy any stuff because I thought none of it was worth it for such an expensive price. That's just me. I asked for the price of a Scouting Legion jacket though, and it's was RM200.

Nah, screw it.

We had lunch at the food court in the convention hall and continued walking around the hall for a while. I later met up with Cheezeh again to take pictures with her. Did I mention how beautiful she was.

Just found out she was cosplaying Saber Bride. Now I feel bad for noticing the details.

 A picture with No Face that was lurking around. Whyisn'thelookingatthecamera >:c

I heard a witch. *loads shotgun*

We head home after that and we're all tired. My friends said that had fun and wouldn't mind going again next year. We talked about going to Bon Odori next year first.

I'm still not a fan of anime conventions after giving it two more chances. If they invited special guests or sold official artworks, maybe yeah, I'm interested. But yeah, till then, I'm don't think I'll see myself soon in any anime conventions soon.


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