
Showing posts from February, 2015


I was taking a shower on the night before Chinese New Year and asked myself if I should wash my hair. It is a Chinese tradition not to wash your hair on the first day of CNY. We are not supposed to cut our fingernails or sweep the floor on the first day as well. With that in mind, I've decided to wash my hair so it wouldn't stink after two days of not washing my hair. I thought it was really weird yet amazing, that some traditions from different cultures are still kept till this day. I was taught of these traditions since I was young and I followed them without asking or hesitating. Now that I'm almost adult, even knowing that the reasons behind these beliefs and tradition might not be true, I still feel uncomfortable with the thought of disobeying it. We were always told to preserve our tradition so that our culture and identity would be kept. People had passed down these habits from generations ago and it is our duty to do the same. But the world is so modern now, not


A few days ago, I had a Skype call with a friend I knew from the Internet. We didn't contact each other for some time so we caught up a bit with each others' lives. Talking to him like this would be impossible given the situation we had seven years ago when we first met. I knew most of my online friends from AuditionSEA and he was the first few friends I met there. I remembered he asked for my contacts, but I didn't give him anything except for my MSN. I refused to give him my phone number because even texting to Singapore is expensive. Ah, but now look where we are. Communication is so much better these days. With the Internet and the convenience of social apps, talking to anyone is easy even if they're at the other side of the world. This helps a lot in the online gaming world. Back then when I was still using dial-up Internet, I was allowed to use the computer for a few hours. I would go to my cousin's house to enjoy their Internet and chat with my frien
I've turned so bitter and all I wanted to do is to hurt, all I wanted to is to blame. But what can I achieve from all of that? Nothing. Nothing but more grief, more regrets. Even if with all that, I'm still empty in the inside. Teach me one last time, how do you manage to handle everything skillfully like you always do. How did you suddenly decided that you'll stop falling. How did you change your views. How did you managed to say those words. I don't know what to feel. I guess that's progress. --- Stop. Run. Turn back. Don't come back. Now. Go. I'm not done at all. --- It's funny when you find yourself, looking from the outside. I'm standing here but all I want, is to be over there. Why did I let myself believe miracles could happen? 'Cause now I have to pretend that I don't really care. I thought you were my fairy tale, a dream when I'm not sleeping. A wish upon a star, that's coming true. - I