
A few days ago, I had a Skype call with a friend I knew from the Internet. We didn't contact each other for some time so we caught up a bit with each others' lives. Talking to him like this would be impossible given the situation we had seven years ago when we first met.

I knew most of my online friends from AuditionSEA and he was the first few friends I met there. I remembered he asked for my contacts, but I didn't give him anything except for my MSN. I refused to give him my phone number because even texting to Singapore is expensive. Ah, but now look where we are.

Communication is so much better these days. With the Internet and the convenience of social apps, talking to anyone is easy even if they're at the other side of the world. This helps a lot in the online gaming world.

Back then when I was still using dial-up Internet, I was allowed to use the computer for a few hours. I would go to my cousin's house to enjoy their Internet and chat with my friends I knew from O2Jam. Back then when Facebook was like a new born chick, everyone was using Friendster.

The only way to play with your friends again was to wait. You had to wait for the chance of both of you to be online at the same time. You don't know how excited I was when I could finally play a few rounds with my friends. Players these days don't know the struggle at all.

After that, Internet access became more common and I could play my online games in my home. I had to take turns using the computer, though. Still, I communicated with my online friends mainly with MSN messenger. Everyone uses it, and it's sad that it doesn't exist anymore.

Then, Skype was introduced to the whole world. I don't use Skype often, even until now, but it was the main communication system that my mom and dad used. Just like me, my mom and dad didn't had the joy of Internet communication and had to make international calls to talk to each other. Their calls wouldn't last a little bit more than an hour because it was expensive.

Everything changed so fast in just less than a decade, and then suddenly we have apps like Whatsapp, LINE and Skype. I remember requesting a smartphone because I wanted to chat with my online friends more easily. The best thing was, all these apps don't cost a single cent.

Adding online friends became more common in Facebook, and it's the same with giving numbers. Of course, one has to be careful when giving out their personal information. Personally, I don't like giving my numbers to strangers or even adding them in my Facebook.

Now, it's so normal to have group chats for game guilds or FAMs in AudiSEA's case. Day and night I'll get notifications from my current FAM. Back in the day, we could only talk and play together in game. Now, my FAM members would even talk to each other with Skype.

Games are now designed to have cooperation modes that allow you to play with players all around the world. And it's actually common to have group calls while playing, because it's so fun, listening to your teammates' reaction in real time and enjoying the experience together.

Meh, it's the same with classes in university. Heck, it's probably the same for secondary and even primary school now. You MUST have a Facebook because that's normally how lecturers contact you when you're not in class. Whatsapp groups are also a must for students to talk whatever they want *cough*.

It wouldn't surprise if all these apps would replace the real phone one day. Calls using these apps are now free and it's just so convenient. Your girl/boyfriend isn't beside you? The next best thing is video calling him/her till both of you fall asleep.

No more will we need to remember numbers. Not even e-mails. Wait, that's actually kinda sad. The next move after knowing each other is usually adding each other in Facebook and the rest of the social apps that you people have in common.

Ahh, I don't know how the world will change in the future. Will we have holograms like in Star Wars? Teleportation (or even portals!) is something I would really like but I guess it's impossible. Right now, I'm just glad that I can talk to people, friends and family with just my phone, though I try not to get too absorbed into it too.

Hmm, just not long ago, my father showed me the cards that we sent to him via snail mail. I think it's not bad to write letters, but I guess, it's too slow in this fast paced world.

Too slow.


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