I've turned so bitter and all I wanted to do is to hurt, all I wanted to is to blame.

But what can I achieve from all of that? Nothing.

Nothing but more grief, more regrets. Even if with all that, I'm still empty in the inside.

Teach me one last time, how do you manage to handle everything skillfully like you always do.

How did you suddenly decided that you'll stop falling.

How did you change your views.

How did you managed to say those words.

I don't know what to feel. I guess that's progress.


Turn back.
Don't come back.


I'm not done at all.


It's funny when you find yourself, looking from the outside.
I'm standing here but all I want, is to be over there.

Why did I let myself believe miracles could happen?
'Cause now I have to pretend that I don't really care.

I thought you were my fairy tale, a dream when I'm not sleeping.
A wish upon a star, that's coming true.


I swore I knew the melody that I heard you singing.
And when you smile you make me feel like I could sing along.

But then you went and change the words,
Now my heart is empty.
I'm only left with used-to-be's and once a upon a song.

Now I know you're not a fairy tale, and dreams were meant for sleeping.
And wishes on the star, just don't come true.

'Cause now, even I could tell that I confused my feelings with the truth.

I can't believe that I could be so blind.
It's like you were floating while I was

And I didn't mind.

'Cause I liked the view when there was me and you.

Even Zanessa ended, I shouldn't be surprised.


I'm torn apart between things I wish that I'll never choose.

I'm free to fly, I'm free to hope.


"It'll be hard."

No. No. No. No. No.

It should be, "It'll be the end for you."


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