
Showing posts from August, 2015

Hometown Sweet Hometown.

One thing I love about going back to my hometown in Malacca is spending time with my family and relatives. It is always lively and although sometimes it gets a little bit too noisy, I don't mind it. So when I missed one of my cousin's wedding during June because I was busy with assignments, I was kinda sad, because I knew all of them definitely had fun. My aunts knew how I feel and always told me to go down to Malacca and so we did. My grandfather's death anniversary was coming up so prayers had to be done. Not all of my relatives went back but still, it's nice spending time together. As I grew up, I found myself more attached to the computer than my family now. After greeting my relatives I would hide in a room. So I decided to change that this time. I joined my cousins to watch a movie even though I wasn't interested at first and just try not to trap myself in a room. My cousin wanted to watch a Hong Kong-Chinese movie is about competitive cycling, traveling

Online V.S. Offline

Not looking forward to go back to university, nooooooooooooo. --- I think it's super obvious that I interact with online friends than real life friends. I won't deny it. My daily conversations mostly include people that I met online and I have totally no problem about it. Well, it's not that I don't have any real life friends. It's just that I don't have a lot that I'm really close to and I wonder why. Well, I don't really talk to the people from my secondary school anymore (Ha, Joon has no friends) so I'm only left with the people that I met in university. Except, not all of them are from the same state as me and some even came from overseas. So, yeah. Since I started online gaming at the age of 10, I had been making online friends. It's fun, it's interesting but there is their risk. My family hasn't really been open to the fact that I talk to strangers online but it's a lot better now. The question is, why am I more atta

Time Rant.

Damn, I did it again. I delayed posting stuff in my blog. The post below was written probably a month ago. --- I'm done for the semester and I'm pretty glad it's over. I have been busy before but not as busy as this time. I'm not even kidding. I don't know, I had to do a video shooting assignment, a 2D animation short that lasts for at least one minute, 3D modeling, building a website and some other stuff. This semester was the busiest ever for me. It also brought out the ugly side of me. The toughest assignment would have to be either the video assignment or the 2D animation but the video shoot really took A LOT of my time. I had to travel a lot between locations and there's a total of five days shooting. It all began when our lecturer gave the assignment not really long after the semester started. That's okay, because you need a lot of time to think about what to shoot. We had to present our idea to him and the few better ones get chosen to go