Hometown Sweet Hometown.

One thing I love about going back to my hometown in Malacca is spending time with my family and relatives. It is always lively and although sometimes it gets a little bit too noisy, I don't mind it. So when I missed one of my cousin's wedding during June because I was busy with assignments, I was kinda sad, because I knew all of them definitely had fun.

My aunts knew how I feel and always told me to go down to Malacca and so we did. My grandfather's death anniversary was coming up so prayers had to be done. Not all of my relatives went back but still, it's nice spending time together.

As I grew up, I found myself more attached to the computer than my family now. After greeting my relatives I would hide in a room. So I decided to change that this time. I joined my cousins to watch a movie even though I wasn't interested at first and just try not to trap myself in a room.

My cousin wanted to watch a Hong Kong-Chinese movie is about competitive cycling, traveling over long distances. A team of cyclist will work together to make sure one of their members get first place. The name of the movie is To the Fore, directed by Dante Lam.

I didn't know anything about the movie beforehand, didn't know any of the actors except for Si Won from Super Junior and it was a Chinese movie so I was pretty sure that I will heavily rely on the subtitles. I just thought, 'Okay, it will be about cycling, what else?'

Well, if you ask me, it was an OK movie. I find the movie jumps maybe a little too sudden from one scene to another and all the female roles in the movie is totally unnecessary. Like how the camera obviously focuses on a female reporter, hinting that she might play a part in the movie but until the end she doesn't say a single line and leaves me all confused.

I also find myself wanting to see more cycling scenes than all the drama. So yeah, after the movie I was like 'I wish the movie was only all about cycling, nothing else.'

We had a Japanese dinner after the movie (Happy Joon is happy) and we wanted to karaoke but it was kinda late and we got lazy. We went all the way to the karaoke center, used their toilet and head back home.


Not using the computer makes me read my book more and sleep earlier. However, for two nights I was constantly woken up from ringing doorbells, ringing telephones, the sound of my family moving around. I also woke up at 8:30AM for all mornings! That's an achievement.

Anyway, on the third day I went to a Husky dog cafe with the name the Huskitory in the neighborhood my relatives are living. My aunts have been telling me about it and I was really excited to go. My cousins were supposed to follow me but they weren't really interested in dogs so my whole family went in the end.

We went there at 5PM and there was already a lot of people there, young and old. My mom was thinking how my dad and her were the only older people there but then another family came and they brought along their grandparents.

We sat on a very low chair around a very low table and began ordering food. In the order to feed the dogs later during the feeding session, each person had to order a drink and either a cake or some food. We were like what, so we can't touch any huskies if we didn't order what they want? So my parents decided to just have coffee.

By 6PM, like finally, the owner of the store brought out one of his huskies and introduced himself. He told us about the history about the cafe, his dogs, how they behave and told us what to do and what not to do when we feed them later.

We were given dog food and told to gather outside. Then, five volunteers will stand on the field as they release the dogs. Me and my brother volunteered because we have no fear of the big furry dogs that might trample us if they really want to. And we love dogs.

I think there was about 8-9 adult huskies and 3-4 puppies. They were always moving around. Huskies are stubborn and don't like to be told what to do. Unless we have dog food in our palms, the huskies wouldn't approach us and stay. They don't behave like other dogs who seek attention from humans. Plus there was a pack of them so they have a pack leader which also happens to be the owner's first husky.

After everyone was done feeding and was content will all their pictures taken, the dogs went back into the building via a tiny door at once with the command 'home' given by the owner. They must felt really bored being around with us.

I had a great time, but it's kinda too bad that the dogs are just really not into us. I learn new things about the huskies and I guess it's a good experience.


That night, our relatives bought our favourite wanton noodles. Too bad I ordered the wrong size and I couldn't finish it. The oyster omelette is good though. 

I returned to my aunt's house and my uncle started bringing out wine for us to drink. I wasn't a big fan of drinking wine or even drinking but I drank a little anyway. He started to bring out liquor which taste so much better.

I told my relatives that I wanted to get drunk at least once in my life and they all laugh, and encouraged me to drink more. However, I couldn't get drunk that night because I drank in sips. But still, I took more alcohol than any other night in my whole life.

We talked about a lot of stuffs, current events, life, my late grandfather. I learned a lot of things about alcohol from my dad and I guess I will expect my relatives asking me to drink more now.

One of my cousin is getting married in November but I don't think it will be wise to get drunk then. I guess I will postpone my operation-to-get-drunk next time.


I discovered that I have something white blotches around my body, excluding limbs after I returned from my hometown. They look like allergy rashes but they're not that serious compared to past experiences.

Possible causes:
- consuming too much different alcohols
- contact with a pack of huskies
- consuming a weird unheard can of cool tea

I think I won't be drinking a lot of alcohol from now on because I think that's the reason I'm like this now. HAHAHAHAH *wipes sad tears*


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