Online V.S. Offline

Not looking forward to go back to university, nooooooooooooo.


I think it's super obvious that I interact with online friends than real life friends. I won't deny it. My daily conversations mostly include people that I met online and I have totally no problem about it.

Well, it's not that I don't have any real life friends. It's just that I don't have a lot that I'm really close to and I wonder why. Well, I don't really talk to the people from my secondary school anymore (Ha, Joon has no friends) so I'm only left with the people that I met in university. Except, not all of them are from the same state as me and some even came from overseas.

So, yeah.

Since I started online gaming at the age of 10, I had been making online friends. It's fun, it's interesting but there is their risk. My family hasn't really been open to the fact that I talk to strangers online but it's a lot better now.

The question is, why am I more attached to the people I knew online, rather than the people I meet almost everyday? Here are some reasons that hopefully make sense.

1. Interaction

I think it's because I meet them everyday, so all of their gestures, tones and habit are exposed to me. I don't like to admit it but I do judge people and it may take time for me to fully understand and accept a person. When I see them everyday, their habits might annoy me everyday.

Reminder: I'm not a good friend.

Meanwhile, I communicate with my online friends mostly through a screen. Most of the time we only saw pictures of each other and maybe only hear each other's voices once a while. And we might not communicate every single day, so Idon'tgettojudgealot oops.

But that doesn't mean there's no chances that I will dislike the people I met online. Just saying.

2. Interests

I like gaming, even though I'm not hardcore. I like the idea of going out, but I stay at home more often than I liked.

Many times my friends would invite me out, but in the end I would decline. It frustrates me because I do want to hang out but most of the time it's last minute planning and I already prepared myself to slack and you can't just ask me to get out.

No excuses, Joon. But I do appreciate friends who ask me out. I really do. And I'm so sorry at the same time.

Most likely real friends can't manage to get me out of the house because I'm using the computer talking to my online friends and playing games. It's just so convenient and easy.

3. Expressing

I am only good in words when I'm writing and typing. Once you ask me to use my mouth to convey my emotions and feelings, my whole body rejects the idea and will stay mute.

My Ballet history taught me nothing in expressing myself, well maybe in actions only because you don't talk while you're dancing.

I find it easier to talk to people about my feeling through written words and that is why I have this blog, yay. So it's not unusual that my online friends will know more about me than my real life friends.

I'm also not really a person that share a lot things with people, because I'm also afraid that people will judge me. So it depends if I think if you're a person worth exposing my thoughts to. Maybe that's why I don't have a lot of friends, hmm.

4. Hanging Out

Although I like interacting with my online friends more, unfortunately I'm located in Malaysia where all the bad things happen (currently). I would say like 80% of my online friends are from Singapore so even if I do get to meet them it's a very rare occasion.

We talk fine online but that doesn't guarantee that things wouldn't be awkward when we meet in real life. First meetings are definitely awkward at first and my shy personality doesn't help. But it's still an interesting experience to meet someone online.

I met a particular online friend a couple of times already but things did not get better.. It didn't help much too because there was only two of us. Hmm.

So in terms of hanging out, I definitely did it more with my real life friends, like duh.

5. Risks

My mom doesn't like the idea of me hanging out with people I met online. I had to lie to her when I met my friends in Singapore. But I had been honest with her and I think. I think she's slightly more okay about it now.

I know, trusting someone you meet online might be risky, because you wouldn't know that person is a scammer or has ill intentions. I wouldn't say that I only met nice people in my online journey and I definitely got hurt (emotionally) once in a while but I think that happens in real life too.

People get scammed in real life too and 'real life friends' aren't necessarily nice all the time, even if you knew each other for more than five years. I'm speaking from experiences.

It is very important that you choose your friends wisely, real life or online. There's always a bitch trying to stab your back. I'm saying bitch because I rarely encountered bastards.

Sorry for my language, I like Breaking Bad more than I should be.

Even though I say I'm fine with interacting with online friends, it doesn't mean I not jealous of people who always have real life friends to hang out with. I get sour when I see happy people together. It's not impossible for that to happen to me but I think I just make it harder for myself.

But I know for a fact that when I'm down, I have a few online friends I can turn to and they'll always be there for me.


 This is for my friends Ebichu, Venny and Seru. Thanks for everything! *wipes happy tears* 
It's my first time doing pixel art in Minecraft and I apologize for the weird butt shape.


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