
Showing posts from December, 2015

Life Is.

Merry Christmas to anyone who is celebrating it. ---   I posted some time ago that I found the game Life Is Strange from Pewdiepie's channel. I watched two episodes of him and Jacksepticeye playing before I decided that I will not watch the videos anymore, because I thought playing the game itself will be a better experience. I told myself that I will buy the game, but it's just too expensive for me, even though in reality it's not that expensive, compared to other more expensive games like FC4 *coughcough* My brother got first two episodes *cough* illegally *cough* and together we played the game. It was really a wonderful experience, even though I've already seen Youtubers played it. At that time, the whole series of five episodes wasn't all released yet so I thought it will be better to wait for the whole thing to come out first. I patiently waited for months, refusing myself to watch any spoilers or videos. After I was done with my semester, I fi


As I type this, I'm not completely free from my third semester. I have a couple of assignments left and I'm just dying to get over it. My break was supposed to start two weeks ago but there are delays and blahblahblah. I've gotten very lazy this semester and I can say it's all my fault. But somehow we always manage, don't we? I wanted to apologize to my readers but then I realized, there is nobody bugging me to update my blog so I guess I shouldn't feel so bad. HA, EXPECT NO MORE APOLOGIES FROM ME. JustkiddingI'msorry.   Me and my friend drew Saitama faces on a whiteboard to release stress. --- I thought I removed one of my labels 'In My Pointe Shoes' (I named my labels when I was very young, okay?) but wow, it's still there. I thought I removed it because I stopped dancing ballet after I attended university. My last post about ballet was probably from 2013 and which makes sense since I stopped about two years ago. But now I gues