
As I type this, I'm not completely free from my third semester. I have a couple of assignments left and I'm just dying to get over it. My break was supposed to start two weeks ago but there are delays and blahblahblah.

I've gotten very lazy this semester and I can say it's all my fault. But somehow we always manage, don't we?

I wanted to apologize to my readers but then I realized, there is nobody bugging me to update my blog so I guess I shouldn't feel so bad. HA, EXPECT NO MORE APOLOGIES FROM ME. JustkiddingI'msorry.

Me and my friend drew Saitama faces on a whiteboard to release stress.


I thought I removed one of my labels 'In My Pointe Shoes' (I named my labels when I was very young, okay?) but wow, it's still there. I thought I removed it because I stopped dancing ballet after I attended university.

My last post about ballet was probably from 2013 and which makes sense since I stopped about two years ago. But now I guess I'm going to use the label again.

A ballet classmate of mine who is also teaching ballet had this idea of having a reunion with all of us after seeing her own students performing Grade 7. She mentioned how it reminded of us and thought it will be a great idea to have a class again with our lovely ballet teacher teaching us again.

No one opposed the idea and everyone was excited. Even I who prefer to stay at home was excited for it. A few bailed out later but in the end 12 of us showed up which I thought was not bad.

Class began with a warm up session that consist of pilates exercises that my teacher love to torture us with. I noticed I was reallllyyy weak, and probably the weakest among my friends who also stopped as long or even longer than me.

We proceeded to do barre work, center work, some basic pirouette exercises, allegro and did some grande jete corner work. I'm thankful for not doing any center adage work or I would probably lose my limbs, not that I'm fine now.


Anyway, it's good to dance again even though I'm really physically unfit. We couldn't do any pointe work even though I was looking forward to it because our feet wasn't ready for it. Heck, even wearing soft pointe shoes hurt my toes like asjlkaskdjalsjdasd.

We dance for two hours and by the end of it I was totally exhausted. But time flew within that two hours, I didn't even bother checking the clock which I usually do when I was still learning ballet. Which makes me very happy.

We had a gift exchanging session after class. Since it was near Christmas they thought it will be a good idea. I wasn't excited for that part but still I contributed. I admit I did not put in much effort to my gift and probably don't deserve the gift I got back.

It was fun. Though not all of us are able to make it, it's great to see my classmates again. It was awesome to be dancing again too. I always think how much I missed dancing and thanks to this reunion I get to dance ballet again. Although the pain that came the day after, I didn't miss that so much.

I accept that I couldn't complete the syllabus and that it won't be a part of my life as much anymore but it made the person I am today, and I'm super grateful for that.

My lovely teacher. 


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