Life Is.

Merry Christmas to anyone who is celebrating it.

I posted some time ago that I found the game Life Is Strange from Pewdiepie's channel. I watched two episodes of him and Jacksepticeye playing before I decided that I will not watch the videos anymore, because I thought playing the game itself will be a better experience.

I told myself that I will buy the game, but it's just too expensive for me, even though in reality it's not that expensive, compared to other more expensive games like FC4 *coughcough* My brother got first two episodes *cough* illegally *cough* and together we played the game.

It was really a wonderful experience, even though I've already seen Youtubers played it.

At that time, the whole series of five episodes wasn't all released yet so I thought it will be better to wait for the whole thing to come out first. I patiently waited for months, refusing myself to watch any spoilers or videos.

After I was done with my semester, I finally got the chance to play. It was then that Seru told me I could play the game in his Steam account, since he doesn't play because he thought the pacing was slow. I couldn't believe that he did not complete the game but used his account anyway, because I really, really, really wanted to play.

Boy, for the next few days I only played Life Is Strange with my brother beside me.

Before I go any further, I would like to warn anyone who hasn't played the game that I will be revealing spoilers about the game. If you really don't want to know anything about the game before playing like I did, please close this browser tab.


I played the first two episode normally as I already knew the story line. But I was quite worried about making the right choices for the rest of the episodes as I had totally no idea what was going to happen.

We already know that Max has a few important matters she has to settle: Kate's situation, finding Rachel Amber and lastly the storm that was going to hit Arcadia Bay. I think I made mostly the nicer choices, although I had my brother beside me influencing me to make other choices as well.

After finishing the game, I realized that none of the choices we made in the game has a really great impact towards the ending. Not including Kate's death, I think the rest will still play out the same in the end anyway. Still, the illusion of choice, isn't it?

I would like to talk about our protagonists Max and Chloe, BFFs till death (literally). I always thought that both of them are bitches. It's annoying that Chloe is acting like a stubborn, impatient, quick tempered friend and Max who totally cut contact with her and came back like nothing has happened when she said she always 'treated' Chloe as her best friend. It's rare not to love heroes, but I just can't bring myself to like both of them.

I still like Chloe's hair though.

Although it is obvious that Max is not as interested in Warren than he is into her, I always look forward to their interactions. I was secretly hoping that they could really go ape in the game but of course, there are more serious things to attend than a date with the nerd.

Drunk Warren sounds so hot, emergerd.

I would also like to admit that I was more devastated when I found out Warren was dating Stella than finding out Chloe in a wheelchair in the alternative timeline. Please, fire away your hate arrows at me. #sorrynotsorry

In the end, I chose to sacrifice Chloe. I did play the ending again to see my other choice but both choices left me heartbroken.

It got me thinking that if Max sacrifices Chloe, she is already in another timeline. And in that timeline, Chloe never got to see Max again before getting shot by Nathan. It pains me to think that Chloe had to leave without seeing her best friend, without finding out about Rachel, without fixing her relationship with her step douche or getting even with Nathan. And Max had to bear the burden of letting her friend die and knowing the consequences if she does help.

It really broke my heart when I saw the ending, but still I prefer it than sacrificing Arcadia Bay. I knew from the start that Chloe was supposed to die, because there are just too much accidents happening around her. I just didn't expect to feel that sad when it did happen.

But knowing the fact Warren still lives cheers me up a little.

Ahh, plot twists. I certainly did not expect Mark Jefferson to be the villain because it was just too unexpected and I didn't see it coming. With my choices, I was lead to believe Nathan was the evil one, and I felt so guilty when I managed to warn Victoria. Who knew? Good job, game developers, good job.

Still, DONTNOD managed to capture the beauty of friendship (or some fans may prefer 'romance between Max and Chloe') that goes beyond time. I don't like both of them, but their relationship is really priceless, no pun intended.

The music in the game is also wonderful. Since the first time I saw Pewdiepie played it, I always thought that the game was like a movie. With beautiful scenery and beautiful music, with beautiful game content that makes you think about life.

Anyway, once again we were taught not to screw up with time traveling and every choice has its consequences. And not to bully or take drugs or to party too hard or to trust people with goatees.

I'm still pretty much not over the game. I still think about the characters and the story before I go to sleep. So much I had to draw Chloe with Obstacles by Syd Matters looping in the background as I drew.

It's a really nice game.


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