
Showing posts from February, 2016


^ Lame attempt at naming this post. --- Just submitted my last assignment for this semester and now I'm temporarily free. Hmm, not looking forward to the new semester. Anyway, I probably went out more than usual in the last two weeks. Proves how not outgoing I am *sobscriessobs* I went to Sunway Lagoon with a few classmates of mine a week ago and yeap, I had a lot of fun even though I went there many times in the course of my life. Well, I still wanted to go there again this time because I wanted to play around with water. Yesjuneyou'resomaturehuehuehue. I went with three of my classmates who either never been there before or couldn't remember their experience there. I'm glad they had fun. I did too. Sunway Lagoon has a new attraction called the Nickelodeon Lost Lagoon and it's the first Nickelodeon themed attraction in Asia if I'm not mistaken. That's also one of the reasons I wanted to go. Try out some new rides yo. We spent almost


Happy Lunar/Chinese New Year to those who are celebrating it. It is the year of the monkey and when mentioning about the animal, no, I don't think of the monkey king, I think of Son Goku. Nope, not from Dragon Ball but the stupid monkey from the Saiyuki series. How does this little boy resemble a monkey, you ask. Honestly, I have no idea either because I was very young when I first saw the series and I have no knowledge of why the author calls him a monkey. In fact, he's actually a demon. It could be the fact that the author took inspiration from the story Journey to the West and there actually is a monkey but I'm too lazy to do research and confirm it. Yes, it's most likely that. I was always a fan of Cho Hakkai but I got to like Son Goku ('s look HAHAHAH) when I got a little older. But truthfully, all the guys in the series are hotties. Every illustration of them are like an album cover of a popular boy band. There was a Facebook ad featuring figuri