
Happy Lunar/Chinese New Year to those who are celebrating it.

It is the year of the monkey and when mentioning about the animal, no, I don't think of the monkey king, I think of Son Goku.

Nope, not from Dragon Ball but the stupid monkey from the Saiyuki series.

How does this little boy resemble a monkey, you ask. Honestly, I have no idea either because I was very young when I first saw the series and I have no knowledge of why the author calls him a monkey. In fact, he's actually a demon.

It could be the fact that the author took inspiration from the story Journey to the West and there actually is a monkey but I'm too lazy to do research and confirm it. Yes, it's most likely that.

I was always a fan of Cho Hakkai but I got to like Son Goku ('s look HAHAHAH) when I got a little older. But truthfully, all the guys in the series are hotties. Every illustration of them are like an album cover of a popular boy band.

There was a Facebook ad featuring figurines of the characters from Saiyuki and apparently there are infants who thought they are from a new anime. HA. I laughed at their ignorance.

Anyway, I have no idea why am I blogging about Son Goku because honestly I have nothing to blog about so I'm just typing whatever comes to my head. Yes, my life is that boring.

This year's New Year is similar to the other new years I have celebrated. It's the same old feeling that New Year is no longer fun as I grow older but I have grown to accept the way it is rather than be emo and getting deep thoughts.

My reunion dinner was short but ah, I guess the tradition must go on. I also learned that there are people who have reunion dinner with the mother's side of the family. Isn't that just weird. I wish I could do that.

I went back to my hometown and yeah, I had fun with my relatives in Malacca. The reunion dinner we had on the sixth day of the New Year was probably the happiest day of my 2016 so far because I never cheered and laughed so much before.

 I was very happy.

Plus, I got to see some adorable puppies when I was walking out of the restaurant.

The only down side to it was my new pair of shoes was stepped on once accidentally by my dad (It's okay dad, I forgive you) and has a few drops of wine on it because of the cheap design of a cheap wine bottle.

I have not gotten drunk despite my desire to get drunk.

Oh, it is also Valentine's day as I'm typing this.

Obviously, I have no one to celebrate with but with my friends and family. I kept sending the special valentine message to people because why not.

Valentine's day is a business gimmick.

Other than that, my university is reopening tomorrow and I have no desire to return. It is a short semester but I wish it can be shorter because honestly I'm rather.. uninterested. Ha, I don't know but who wants the semester to go on forever.

I almost forgot to mention that I finally got all the rare cats in Neko Atsume. Now I shall get all the momentos before I get completely bored with the game.

Hmm, I guess I have nothing more to say.


Things June should do:

1. Move on.
1. Be direct.
2. Give up on unnecessary things.
3. Draw.
4. Draw.
5. Draw.


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