
^ Lame attempt at naming this post.


Just submitted my last assignment for this semester and now I'm temporarily free. Hmm, not looking forward to the new semester.

Anyway, I probably went out more than usual in the last two weeks. Proves how not outgoing I am *sobscriessobs*

I went to Sunway Lagoon with a few classmates of mine a week ago and yeap, I had a lot of fun even though I went there many times in the course of my life. Well, I still wanted to go there again this time because I wanted to play around with water.


I went with three of my classmates who either never been there before or couldn't remember their experience there. I'm glad they had fun. I did too.

Sunway Lagoon has a new attraction called the Nickelodeon Lost Lagoon and it's the first Nickelodeon themed attraction in Asia if I'm not mistaken. That's also one of the reasons I wanted to go. Try out some new rides yo.

We spent almost all the opening hours there and I can say, it's not enough time to go through all the rides even if you're the first one to enter and the last to get out. Considering that you need time to put your stuff into the lockers, eat lunch and queue for the rides (the flying fox takes most of our time). The only way you can ride of them is if there's zero queue, which is impossible.

The whole park was gone so big and it takes time to walk from one to another (probably faster when barefoot because we ran like hell as the ground felt like hot coals). I also noticed that the layout for the new attraction can be quite confusing. There are old maps that wasn't updated too in the older attraction(s).

Two things that I would like to mention is:

1. The cheese fries they serve in Mary Brown's is (I don't believe in heaven but) heavenly delicious. It's probably the first time I had Mary Brown's and honestly I didn't expect much from it because of its unpopularity in Malaysia and its overpriced food ('cause we're in a theme park after all).

The burger also has delicious cheese inside but the fries really take the cake. It's even better than KFC's wedges. Me and my friend wouldn't stop talking about it even after we went home. I still want it now.

2. The new ride in the Nickelodeon park, Monsoon 360. The person has to stand into something like *cough* coffin and the platform below will just retract and you will fall to your death down the slide.

The one thing that my friends and I noticed is you don't hear anyone screaming as they went down. We only knew the reason why after we went for the ride. It's because the water will definitely go up your nose and you wouldn't be able to scream or breathe.

As I slid down all I did was close my face and rubbed my face.

We chilled until the park closes and had dinner at Sushi King. I didn't eat the unagidon that I love. But I had unagi sushi so all is well.

We missed Scream Park, which I'm totally glad about.


Fast forward to yesterday, we had something like a farewell party for one of our lecturers. He won't be teaching anymore in our university. We had a dinner with my batch, the junior batch and my brother who was also taught by that lecturer.

And guess what? They decided to eat at Sakae Sushi.

Me and my brother arrived the earliest and had to wait a while. Soon everyone came and we finally got to eat. I still couldn't eat the unagidon that I love. But I ate some sashimiiiii.

(My brother) Talked a lot with everyone and my lecturer. It's sad that he has to go, but I believe he made a better decision and he knows what's he's doing. I don't believe we won't meet again anyway.

See you again, sir.

Damn friggin finger.


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