
Showing posts from July, 2016

Mangas that Left Deep Impressions

When I was younger, I used to share manga recommendations on my blog. It wasn't like I was trying to turn my blog into a manga blog or something like that, it was just because I felt like sharing the mangas I love to my readers. It wasn't a lot but I always followed a format when I was introducing the mangas. And honestly, I think those posts are one of the sources of my viewers. 'Cause nobody wants to know about me *criessobscries* Just kidding. I stopped introducing mangas for a number of reasons I guess. One, I became more busy with life and I couldn't even update normal posts on my blog. Two, I shifted from shoujo to other genres which I wasn't familiar and lastly I just didn't read as many mangas as before. I also wasn't that adventurous anymore when finding mangas to read. But recently I thought about it and I kinda miss how I blogged about mangas. Of course, I could introduce the mangas I am reading right now but I thought it will be more inte


My semester ended just recently but I'm not completely free yet. There are still some stuff I have to do and there will be more stuff waiting for me. I'm never gonna chill. Just kidding, games here I come. If I could describe my semester in one word, it will be - problem is I can't. I guess it's an okay semester, it could be worse. For the first time in my university life, I panicked and stressed over a module. But I'm the one to blame as I procrastinated. But things ended well and I'm just glad everything is over. My internship will be starting soon and I'll get the taste of the working life and being a working adult. I'm not really looking forward but I can't say I'm dreading it either. I'm curious to know what will happen but at the same time I don't want to grow up and pass this stage. Soon I'll graduate and I'll have to adult all day everyday for the rest of my life. I realized I never mentioned about my birthday in my