Mangas that Left Deep Impressions

When I was younger, I used to share manga recommendations on my blog. It wasn't like I was trying to turn my blog into a manga blog or something like that, it was just because I felt like sharing the mangas I love to my readers.

It wasn't a lot but I always followed a format when I was introducing the mangas. And honestly, I think those posts are one of the sources of my viewers. 'Cause nobody wants to know about me *criessobscries* Just kidding.

I stopped introducing mangas for a number of reasons I guess. One, I became more busy with life and I couldn't even update normal posts on my blog. Two, I shifted from shoujo to other genres which I wasn't familiar and lastly I just didn't read as many mangas as before. I also wasn't that adventurous anymore when finding mangas to read.

But recently I thought about it and I kinda miss how I blogged about mangas.

Of course, I could introduce the mangas I am reading right now but I thought it will be more interesting to introduce the mangas that left me the deepest impressions, in terms of everything. From the most entertaining mangas to the most weird mangas I have ever read, I'm going to show a list of mangas that really I can't forget.

Please do note that I'm not an expert in mangas, and the genres I read are soooo limited. I'm usually a shoujo reader but I do like some shounen and seinen. And even though I read shounen and seinen, I don't know many of mangas in that field either.

I just read what I like, and this list consist of the limited mangas I read, so please understand if my list isn't really interesting. I would also like to mention that the list below is not a list of recommendation, so don't expect all good mangas below.


First Manga that Made Me Cry: Koko ni Iru Yo

by Tooyama Ema

Typical shoujo manga. It doesn't have a unique storyline, nor is the art style beautiful but still memorable in it's own cute way. I wouldn't recommend Koko ni Iru Yo if you want a really good shoujo to read, but I remember it strongly because it was the first manga that made me cry. At least the one that I can remember.

When I began reading this manga, I was reading for the romance. The love story in Koko ni Iru Yo is okay, predictable and nothing special. But there was one scene where the protagonist, Sumino stood up for herself against a bully and for a timid girl, it was a really brave act.

I had to search for the chapter again because I couldn't remember what happened. Now that I looked back at it, it wasn't really dramatic or anything but it just made the younger me cried. I have no idea why, I couldn't even remember the story, but it made me cry.

I blogged this title before, introducing the manga in its own post, and also mentioning that it made me cry if I'm not mistaken.

Random fact: I cry more easily while reading manga nowadays, but the manga that made me cry the most is probably One Piece. Everyone's backstory triggers my tear ducts.

Most Ridiculous Manga I've Read: Random Walk

by Yoshimuzi Wataru

Again with the shoujo. I chose to read this manga just because I wanted to read shoujo. I expected it to be another typical shoujo and well, I guess it is in a way, except during the whole story the 'heroine' is just falling in love with different guys.

I didn't even bother to look for the heroine's name because I don't want to flip through the manga again. Anyway, heroine kept changing her 'boyfriend' with different guys (even someone's boyfriend at one point) but that isn't the worst part.

In the end, she ends up with her step brother which was her tutor from the start. Like wadafak. It's like the message the author wanted to convey is to have many flings as possible and who knows, you might have an incest relationship.

The Manga that Left Me Terrified: Higurashi no Naku Kori ni - Tatarigoroshi

by Ryukishi 07

I think Higurashi is probably one of the first horror manga I read. I'm not super into horror but it is interesting to read once in a while. Normally, I'll read horror if it's a sub genre, not the main genre.

I read Tatarigoroshi thinking that it's just a manga, and the art wouldn't scare me as much like jump scares in horror movies. Oh, how wrong I was.

The whole manga in generally wasn't really scary, but the mystery of the village keeps you wondering what the heck is going. Also, little girls dying. I was actually okay with the whole manga till I read the ending where the protagonist survived after the whole village was killed off.

I'm too afraid to read the ending again but if I remembered correctly, there was a part where it mentioned that there are footsteps following behind you. It was paired together with just an image of a pair of feet walking. I don't know what it is, but it immediately sent chills down my spine. Even now as I'm typing this, I'm having the same feeling as when I just read it.

I'm quite curious to know how the whole Higurashi series goes but after finishing only just one part of the story, I'm too afraid to find out about the whole thing.

It's amazing how a simple image and just words can scare the heck out of someone.

Most Disturbing Manga I've Read: Shamo

by Hashimoto Izou & Tanaka Akio

I'm okay with dark, psychological disturbing mangas, because to me it's very interesting to see how the authors can come up sick ideas for the story. You know, it's different from usual mangas and yeah, I like them.

I wouldn't say Shamo affected me greatly, but when I thought of disturbing mangas, it came to my mind first and honestly, I can't think of any other manga that can top it, for now. I heard Berserk is very dark as well, and it probably IS more disturbing than Shamo but I have not read Berserk so I can't compare with both titles.

Well, if killing his own parents isn't sick enough for you, watch as the protagonist Ryo Narushima get into prison, get gang-raped by inmates and turn into a monster himself. And I thought Walter White is evil, meet Ryo!

I guess Ryo is really fascinated with fighting, but his detemination to defeat the guy that beat him is just beyond human *cough*rapingtheopponent'sgirlfriend*cough.

I don't support Ryo and his ways but I'm very interested to know how far he can go.

I can't remember why I stopped reading the manga, though. I think it was either I caught up with the chapters or was it because they changed the author. Will I continue reading? I don't know.

Most Disgusting Manga I've Read: Glyceride

by Junji Ito

Well, to be exact, it's a chapter of the manga Yami no Koe by none other than Junji Ito! *screams in terror*

Some will say Junji Ito is the king of horror manga but to me, he draws more gross stuff than horror. Not that I read all of his works but but but. And it helps as his art style is more close to realistic humans than the typical manga art style.

All of his works are gross but for me, Glyceride takes the cake. It's just plain gross. Enough said. Would never read it again.

The Manga that I Can't Possibly Describe: Oyasumi Punpun

by Asano Inio

Oyasumi Punpun is unique in so many ways. First of all, the protagonist looks like a bird. His family are birds too but the rest of people look normal.

To sum it up, the manga is about the Punpun, a young boy(bird?), growing up and maturing, dealing with life. It talks about his problems with his family, his long time love, sex, depression and many, many other stuffs.

What makes the manga so different from others is the way the author uses a lot visuals to depict Punpun's thoughts, feelings and how he views the world. For an example, in the eyes of Punpun, God looks like this.

Because of the way it's drawn so strangely, I always find myself amused while reading the manga. But behind all the weird images, we're still following Punpun's struggles with life and let me say this, the story will tear you apart. This is the manga that will totally mess your mind.

I don't even think I can properly say how special this manga is. The only way you can experience it is to read it.

Most Tragic Manga I've Read: Deep Love - Ayu no Monogatari

 by Yoshii Yuu

Deep Love is probably my first tragic manga. I was completely new to the genre and once again, I didn't sign up for this.

Even now, I remember how much pity I felt for Ayu as her life falls apart slowly. As she finds purpose in life and some people to care about, she fights on but heroes don't always win. Deep Love isn't the first story I've known with a sad ending but watching Ayu struggle till the end is just heart breaking.

There are a few mangas about the other characters' perspective and although they all fall into the tragedy category, Ayu no Monogatari left the most impression.

The Manga that Made Me Think About Life: Orange

by Takano Ichigo

Orange is a shoujo manga but it's far from the usual romantic routine other shoujos have. To me, I think the precious friendship among the characters is more prominent than the love story.

It's a tale of Takamiya Naho who suddenly receives letters from herself from the future. It warns her vaguely of incidents and the tragedy that follows if she doesn't follow her heart. After all, the future her has lots of regrets, so that's why she wrote the letters in the first place.

I can't help but support and love all the characters and the manga kept me on the edge of my seat so many times. I read finish the manga in a day, and I couldn't stop reading it even though I was in class.

After the manga, it made me think a lot of life. A lot. Like, really a lot.

I thought of my family, my friends and how happy I was just hearing my friends laughing. It made me appreciate life more.


I guess that's it.

I realized most of my choices are my first tries in reading a new genre, I guess that's why they leave a stronger impression than the rest.

On another note, I feel like changing the layout and theme of my blog. I learned coding and if I really want to, I could do it but to match Blogger's standards hmmm, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. And I found out you can't import Muse's codes into the website sooooo.

I'm gonna draw my background this time.


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