
My semester ended just recently but I'm not completely free yet. There are still some stuff I have to do and there will be more stuff waiting for me. I'm never gonna chill. Just kidding, games here I come.

If I could describe my semester in one word, it will be - problem is I can't. I guess it's an okay semester, it could be worse. For the first time in my university life, I panicked and stressed over a module. But I'm the one to blame as I procrastinated. But things ended well and I'm just glad everything is over.

My internship will be starting soon and I'll get the taste of the working life and being a working adult. I'm not really looking forward but I can't say I'm dreading it either. I'm curious to know what will happen but at the same time I don't want to grow up and pass this stage. Soon I'll graduate and I'll have to adult all day everyday for the rest of my life.

I realized I never mentioned about my birthday in my blog. I'm finally 21. Not like I was waiting excitedly for it to happen but it seemed like the only appropriate way to announce it.

I had a nice meal with my family on my birthday and got presents from my closest classmates so all is well. And their presents are actually useful. Thank you Vanessa and Assel.

I'm currently in my hometown to celebrate my niece's first birthday. On the first day of my arrival, I drank more alcohol than water. No worries, it's not that I drink a lot of alcohol, I just didn't drink a lot of water. Stay hydrated, kids.

I got to see my cousins and relatives and it's lively as usual. I can't wait to see how the celebration will go on later. We are actually informed to wear red, white or Mickey/Minnie mouse themed attire. Man, the things parents will do for the kid who won't even remember the party.

I woke up at midnight because I was so tired from just the lively atmosphere. I took a shower and now I'm feeling deep as shit (What do you even mean Joon?) but I have nothing deep in my head to write.

Even before this, I had a few ideas of what to update of my blog but I can only remember one now. I guess updating on my life is not that bad as well.

Not trying to sound bitter but I realized a lot of people around me are getting in a relationship now.

Another thing I did a lot before the semester ended was thinking about what games I'm going to play. I haven't finished LIMBO and BattleBlock Theater. I really feel like replaying Portal 2.

Man, my life is really boring.

Peace out.


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