
Showing posts from 2018

Thoughts about Korea Trip - Part 3.

Traveling to Korea was a difference experience to me because while I listened to some K-Pop and watched some variety shows, I'm not entirely familiar with their culture. I can't read or speak their language, and I was never really a fan of their cuisine. I really like Japan's culture, but I never had the same passion for Korea. An ignorant person would probably think they're similar, but they're worlds apart. And that difference is what scares me. I'm not prepared for Korea, their culture, or their people. After visiting Korea, I learned to appreciate the country a little more. I decided to write this third part because I have a lot of thoughts about the country that I didn't think were suitable for my post about my trip. Some of these are just common information, but there's just so much I want to say. --- A WOMAN'S STATUS There's no doubt that it's a man's world in Korea, and women aren't really treated equally

Korea Trip - Part 2.

DAY 4 We left Jeju and flew to Seoul, which is colder than all of the places we visited. We had bibimbap for lunch, something I never tried. It was delicious. The first location we went was Nami Island, a self-governing country, It was very known for the Korean drama, Winter Sonata. I didn't watch the drama, but I know the island is filled with beautiful Maple and Ginkgo trees. This is the reason why me and mom decided to visit Korea during autumn. Unfortunately, we were probably a week too early. The leaves already turned yellow or red, but not completely. It's still a beautiful sight, but it could be better. I believe you can spend a whole day on the island, you can even stay in the resorts here. But of course, we didn't have that luxury. We took a boat back to the main island and our tour guide took us to visit an aunty and her fruit stall. My mom and I bought a peach, which is not something we get to see or eat every day. We had dak-galbi chicken for di

Korea Trip - Part 1.

When me and my mom were thinking about traveling somewhere, Korea wasn't exactly our first choice. We wanted to travel to Hokkaido, but it was recently hit by an earthquake. My mom was also interested in traveling to Europe, but I didn't really want to spend so much money. But when we were looking around at the MATTA fair, we asked about trips to Korea. After discussing with a few travel agents, we've decided that's where we'll go. I've always preferred traveling without following a tour, but this time we're going with one. I guess I was lazy to do my own research, and unlike Japan, I understand only a little about their country and culture. Having a bus taking us everywhere sounded great too. --- DAY 1 We were leaving our house to the airport when we got the news that our flight was delayed. I remember playing with my friends Overcook 2 for a bit before heading out again. It was close to midnight. We departed from KLIA2 to Gimhae airport in Bu

The Life of a Snowcone.

On August 6th, AuditionSEA announced on Facebook that they will close down the game after 12 years of service. August 31st was the last day the server went live. I decided to write down my decade long experience about AuditionSEA because it was a huge part of my adolescent and my online gaming life. Despite the ups and downs, I cherish the all the moments I had in the game (welp, I sound like I had no life). It is important to note that I was a teenager in most of the years of me playing AuditionSEA. Many things I said and done were less mature and most like very embarrassing. If you're not down to cringe at my trip down to memory lane, or if you're not a gamer and think gaming is a waste of time, please turn away and save ourselves the trouble. I will rely on my memory as I obviously do not remember the exact dates or how exactly an event happen. I won't talk about events in a chronological order, and won't go too deep on all events. Players incl

Best Week of 2018 (Probably) - Part 2.

I apologize for my sloppy writing. --- DAY FOUR (TUESDAY) We woke up at 530AM. Fun fact: Eamon's always the last one to get up. The reason why we got up so early is because we had to get to an island to see the 'Sky Mirror'. We can't leave too late because the tide will come in and just flood everything. Before we got on the boat, the sky was rumbling. We could hear lightning at a distance. I was hoping the weather would turn for the better. But we left anyway, despite the weather. It probably took 20 minutes to get to the island. The tide was low so we could get on the island easily. If the weather was better, the effect of the reflection would look better. Better pictures will be taken, and we'll all probably have a better time. To take these 'Sky Mirror' pictures, you need a flat surface, some water and a very low angle. The staff began flattening the surface, forming a small circle and a barricade so the water wouldn't flow in. Then,

Best Week of 2018 (Probably) - Part 1.

I'm not sure if it's just me or a Malaysian thing, but I find myself having more online friends in foreign countries, with the majority in Singapore. Perhaps online gaming isn't popular in my country, and this results in me not being able to meet with friends or gather with them because I'm miles away from them. That doesn't mean I never met them. I traveled to Singapore multiple times, all with the intentions to meet my friends. Some meetings begin with some awkwardness, but it's always a joy to see the faces of the people I've chatted through a screen. I've never met them in Malaysia. For them, it's convenient for me to travel to Singapore. And for some reason, they're terrified for their safety. They genuinely believe the chances of them getting robbed, raped or kill are high. Singapore is, of course, much safer than Malaysia, but there's no need for so much paranoia. Maybe. But finally, I had a Singaporean f