Best Week of 2018 (Probably) - Part 2.

I apologize for my sloppy writing.



We woke up at 530AM. Fun fact: Eamon's always the last one to get up.

The reason why we got up so early is because we had to get to an island to see the 'Sky Mirror'. We can't leave too late because the tide will come in and just flood everything.

Before we got on the boat, the sky was rumbling. We could hear lightning at a distance. I was hoping the weather would turn for the better. But we left anyway, despite the weather. It probably took 20 minutes to get to the island. The tide was low so we could get on the island easily.

If the weather was better, the effect of the reflection would look better. Better pictures will be taken, and we'll all probably have a better time.

To take these 'Sky Mirror' pictures, you need a flat surface, some water and a very low angle. The staff began flattening the surface, forming a small circle and a barricade so the water wouldn't flow in. Then, they would set up a fort with cardboards and umbrellas, to get the proper lighting.

It looks like this.

Taking pictures with Shin's relatives reminds me of my aunties. They don't listen to instructions well and they get easily distracted. No offense to middle-aged people.

We managed to get some shots before it started to rain. Everyone returned to their boats and headed back. There were people that went back with clams they picked up from the location, including Shin's family.

 The result.
After taking a quick shower, we went to have seafood brunch(?). We passed the restaurant our clams. There were only six edible clams. That lunch was amazing. I was eating so much, I was so happy. It was so good.

We left the village at 12PM. It was an okay experience. If you never tried something like this before, you could try. If not, there's nothing much. I'm not sure if this village is the best place to go, though.

For lunch, we went to try salted chicken. It was supposed to be salty, but it just had a strong herbal taste. Poor Eamon had a headache at that time, and couldn't eat much.

We reached Shin's house at 440PM. We packed our bags and prepared to catch the train to KL at 930PM.

We said goodbye to the turkey across the street, had a last dinner with Shin's relatives, bid goodbye and thanked aunty for being so nice to us.

Then, we took the train back to KL. It was midnight when we arrived.My dad picked us up from the station and we went back to my place.


We got up early because we have to catch the 8AM bus up to Genting.

Many years ago, we've mentioned that we would go to Genting when the outdoor theme park is ready. Until now, the theme park still under construction. But we thought it's a good idea to do something we've always thought of.

The bus driver flew his way up towards Awana. I had no idea how Eamon managed to fall asleep. After we arrived at Awana, we took the cable cars up to Genting.

When I started to see mists around us, I got so excited. It brings me back memories of visiting Genting and having fun in the cold when I was younger.

It's been a long time since I went to Genting, so I was noticing a lot of changes. The cable car system seemed to be entirely different from the old one. There were no more cavemen and tigers you can spot on your way up now, haha.

We stopped by the Chin Swee temple, which you couldn't do before. I never knew there was a temple, but apparently it's been there since 1975. I guess in the past there was no way of accessing to the temple if you weren't driving up.

There's actually quite a long of things to see there. There's things like a pagoda, a giant Buddha, a group of aunties dancing, and a path you can walk and see the ten courts of hell. It reminds me of the Har Paw Villa in Singapore.

We took a break before continuing our way up to Genting.

When we arrived, I was shocked at how much have changed. The indoor mall that I remembered was nowhere to be seen. Now, it's a huge, modern-looking mall that you can easily spend a day shopping at.

There's no more indoor theme park, too. *sobs uncontrollably*

Shin mentioned that she tried amazing churros the last time she was here so we decided to have some. It was my first time having churros. They're really fun and tasty to eaaaaat!

SkyAvenue was still linked to the old mall if you manage to find your way. Maybe because some parts of the mall are still under construction, it's pretty hard to get to the older mall. The sign boards aren't really helpful. It almost feels like they don't want you to find the old mall.

We walked around and discovered the entertainment area, which made me happy. There are arcades, some kiddy rides, and they kept the Ripley's museum!

There was also a haunted attraction. It wasn't the old haunted house from the old indoor theme park, but a zombie-themed haunted house. I have experience playing zombie games but I wasn't keen on putting myself in a zombie maze.

However, my dear friends 'forced' me to go by paying the entrance fee. I was so reluctant, but went in anyway. I warned them that I might cry. Or die.

I'm easily startled, if you don't know yet. I don't like sudden sounds and movements, which is why I don't enjoy jump scare games. I can't even watch horror games with jump scares. Being in this situation doesn't help at all!

A couple joined us which makes the five of us. We entered a room where they explained what we should and should not do. After the briefing ended, I told the staff member that I can't do this, somehow they thought it was funny.

Before we entered the maze, a zombie appeared and made a loud noise. That was enough to send me crashing to the floor. If Shin had not picked me up, I would be stuck there.

For the rest of the maze, I had my head tucked down and was clinging on to Shin for my dear life. The zombies will make it a point to scare people that are obviously scared (hint: me) and follow you for a bit. I was scared, but not crying scared, but still scared.

The couple lead the way (THANK YOU KIND SOULS) and was thankfully, not annoyed by my behavior. When we got out of the maze, I half ran towards the exit. Honestly, even for a coward like me, the haunted house wasn't that impressive. But I'm gonna promise myself and not torture myself like that again.

We went into the Ripley's Believe It Or Not museum after that horrific episode. I never went to the old museum in the past because I was scared. This time, I went in and find it quite entertaining and you can learn quite a bit of stuff there.

 How Eamon feels after putting me through pain and suffering.

After getting lunch at Marrybrown, we went to one of the casinos. Me and Eamon registered as members and got ourselves a card and RM30 credit for gambling. We couldn't figure how to use them, though. LMAO. We probably looked like a bunch of idiot kids.

We exited the casino and was tired from all the activities and how little sleep we got. Me and Eamon took a nap at one of the benches of the mall. Yes, we're that tired. When we woke up, Shin was nowhere to be found.

Turns out our dear friend left us sleeping and went off herself to find the old arcade and casino. Me and Eamon couldn't really find the location until she guided us. At the old casino, we tried using our credit again, but failed.

We went back to the SkyCasino and eventually got help from one of the workers. Me and Shin lost all of our money while Eamon actually won some. Good for him, but don't gamble, kids.

 Don't gamble, SQ.

We probably had like two hours to kill, so we went to get some pizza. There was some promotion so we got ourselves a huge calzone and a pizza. Halfway eating, SkyAvenue blacked out. I saw the cable cars outside the window stopped. It started moving again but the mall was still partially dark.

Our bus back down to KL departs at 830PM, and we decided to pack up the leftover pizza and bring it home. However, security wouldn't allow us to pass because our pizza box wasn't in a plastic bag.

None of the nearby shops had big plastic bags to fit our box, some didn't want to help. Fed up with the system and the lady, Eamon used his jacket to wrap the pizza box. We passed because apparently, all we had to do is not let the CCTV see us carrying food.

There was a slight delay but we got down from Genting to KL. My dad picked us up and we went home. I wanted to bring them to try hokkien mee, but we were still full from the pizza and we were tired.

After showering, my friends got to witness my lousy PC at its full glory. We also had some drinks, just for fun. More like, me and dad drank while they tried to get one Overwatch game done.

After a few games of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, we went to bed.


I prepared spaghetti for my friends for lunch. The pasta was cooked too long and we could use more sauce, huhu.

Soon, the time came for us to part. I dropped Shin off at KL Sentral to catch a train and dropped Eamon off at KLIA2. We said our goodbyes, but we did not give each other hugs. I'm sad about that.

It was a good six days. I'm glad I get to spend time with my friends in real life. I hope we get to do this again some day, maybe in another country other than Singapore and Malaysia.

Thank you Shin and Eamon for being my friend, dealing with my hyperventilation and bullshit.
Thank you aunty and relatives for being so nice to us.
Thank you mom and dad for letting my friends stay over.


It doesn't end just yet.

My cousin got married that weekend so we went back to my hometown. That means I traveled to four states in a span of one week, hahahaha.

I'm happy for my cousin and his wife as they have been dating for so long. I'm happy to be with my relatives and cousins. I'm happy to eat so much durian. I'm happy to try Hammond on a non-crashing PC.

If there's a better week in 2018 coming, I seriously don't know how it's gonna top this.

I got to do so many things. I got to meet my online friends, travel with them, hang out with them for six days, eat good food, see my cousin get married, eat good food (again), and be with the people I love.

I really don't know what could be better than this.

Read Part 1 here.


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