
Showing posts from June, 2018

Our Intern's Last Day.

I turned 23. Not happy about getting old and being adult but there's nothing I can do about it. My birthday was a normal day, nothing really happened. It was a working day as well so I spent most of the time working, like usual. I do have some things to talk about but I'm gonna hold it off for now. I'm not looking forward to being an adult. --- It was the 13th of June. It was the last day of work for our company's first intern. It was also the last day of work before Hari Raya. Our boss is very nice and gave us a day off earlier. Just to clarifying some things: I'm working at a coworking space, so that means my company doesn't have its own office. We are sharing a space with other companies in a building. The office is actually only at the first floor while the other (at least?) 40 floors are apartments. The front of the building is the reception area where everyone normally enters. I work at the middle part of the building, where all the office

RM1 Kindness.

 With just one ringgit a month, you could help children in poor countries. You could help make their lives better.  YOU can make a difference. That's usually how charities approach you and ask for money. I know, because I worked for charities before. Since I started to work in Kuala Lumpur, I would bump into charities when I'm walking back to the train station. They would appear around the area, asking for donations few times a month. In the beginning, I would ignore them because I just wanted to go home. But one day, I was in a rather good mood so I thought, maybe I'll just stop and listen to their cause. The more I listened, the more I regret. This guy told me the usual, starving children, people living in poverty, unsanitized environment. Then he asked me if I have a credit card. I said no. Turns out I need a credit card to subscribe to their donation program. Every month they will get RM1 from your bank account. He thanked me