Our Intern's Last Day.

I turned 23. Not happy about getting old and being adult but there's nothing I can do about it.

My birthday was a normal day, nothing really happened. It was a working day as well so I spent most of the time working, like usual. I do have some things to talk about but I'm gonna hold it off for now.

I'm not looking forward to being an adult.


It was the 13th of June. It was the last day of work for our company's first intern. It was also the last day of work before Hari Raya. Our boss is very nice and gave us a day off earlier.

Just to clarifying some things: I'm working at a coworking space, so that means my company doesn't have its own office. We are sharing a space with other companies in a building. The office is actually only at the first floor while the other (at least?) 40 floors are apartments.

The front of the building is the reception area where everyone normally enters. I work at the middle part of the building, where all the office spaces area are at. At the back of the building, there's a lounge area for people to chill or to work.

Since it was our intern's last day, we decided to take pictures at the lounge area. But there was people working there, so we decided not to. We retreated back to our desks, our lunch time was almost over anyway.

We're chit chatting away (we're a bunch of girls) when suddenly, there was a loud thump.

For me, it didn't sound unusual. I thought it was just sound of something heavy falling, but others said it sounded like a person crashing through wood.

Then, I saw objects falling outside the glass window.

It looked like planks. I saw one, then two. I mentioned it to my colleagues, and soon the people around my desk area was looking out the window. It was very strange, and definitely unsettling.

Thoughts were running in my head. It was all unpleasant thoughts. 

What is going on? How is this possible? Isn't that dangerous? It can't be..

The people nearest to the window looked out. It was long until we heard gasps from the lounge area. Then, a guy from our desk area said,

'It's a person.'

 It felt like a wave of dread washed over us. Everyone couldn't believe what we heard, and the gasps and whispers from all over the office only made it worse.

The people closest to the window took turns to look outside, including my supervisor. He confirmed that there was a dead body and told us it's better if we don't look at it.

But curiosity got the better of us. I was the first among the girls to check the body out.

The body fell nearer the lounge area, but you could still see it from our area if you stood at a certain angle. I peeked, and I saw a head. I stopped and told my friends they could see it, if they really want to.

Two men who sat near the window packed and left. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Eventually, everyone went to look at the body. I also got to see the whole body the second time I checked it out.

I don't know what was the height this poor man fell from, but the body was pretty much wrecked. It could be much worse, but still a very disturbing sight to see.

I didn't take any pictures of the body, but if you're uncomfortable with descriptions of a dead body, you should probably stop reading.

The man's face was facing down on the ground, so we couldn't see his expressions (I don't think I want to either). His back was towards the sky. His legs were bent, probably from landing on them. I think they were so bent till I can't see anything below the knee. His clothes looked torn too, but I can't confirm it.

The strangest thing was there was no pool of blood. It wasn't messy, just a dead body.

I also found out the objects I saw earlier were metal planks.

The staff members of the coworking space then brought tea for everyone, asking us if we're okay. They never explained anything. It wasn't long until everyone got back to their desks and continued working.

We girls, on the other hand, couldn't stop talking about it. We discussed what could be the reason of this poor man's fall. Suicide? An accident? And why there were metal planks?

I thought back to our conversation earlier during the day, when I asked the girls to make a scene or start a fire so we could go back earlier. Oh, how I wished I never said that. I also thought about how I dropped and broke a glass bottle earlier in the morning.

Our supervisor then told us the police arrived and took care of everything. We still don't know the reason or how it happened. The rest of the day went back to normal. Except I was startled at every sound of a loud thump after that.

We went to the lounge area after work. The body was already gone, and janitors were cleaning the area where the man fell. Without any context, it would just seem like two men mopping the floor.

 The area where the man fell.
We weren't traumatized by the event, but it was very disturbing. A man fell from the building we were in, and we were there when he landed to his death. It's just unbelievable.

The only dead bodies I've seen were in caskets in funerals, and they were my relatives. This time, I saw a stranger's dead body, and in such a disturbing way.

Whoever that person is, and no matter what reason he fell, I hope him and his family will find peace.


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