An Interesting Talk?

Yesterday I had my ballet lessons for 2 hours. It was sooo tired x___x

After having my lessons, I went downstairs and waited for my mother. My class started at 7:30pm and ends at 9:30pm. So I thought : "She should be here right about now."

Unfortunately, she didn't came. I wanted to call her and suddenly a man came up and ask :

"What grade are you learning?"

I was shocked, asking my self "What the? Who is this? Why is he talking to me?"

The guy looks kinda old and maybe 40++. I think he was a father of a girl, also learning ballet same like me. Only, that girl had a father waiting for her. Not like me, waiting for my mother. D:

I answered back : " I am learning Intermediate and Grade 6."

But I think he only heard Grade 6 and said :

"Oh, so you have a few years to finish your ballet lessons."

I didn't know what to say next and kept quiet.

And he continue : "So you have the learn until Grade 8? Or Grade 10?"

I corrected him and said : "Grade 8."

"So two more years and you will finish your ballet lessons." he said with a smile.

I kept nodding and didn't say anything.

"So you decided to be a teacher after the 2 years?"

I shook my head.

"Why not? You could be your own boss. Not like being in the office under some angry, mean boss."

I said : "But being a ballet teacher is very busy, and maybe stressful."

He said : "Nah, it's still better teaching your students than being in the office doing paperwork."

"I am sure in the future, there will be many children that wants to learn ballet. So you better be a teacher!" he said.

I kept shaking my head. And I say :

"I never thought of that. Never."

"Well you should!"

This guy wants me to be a teacher! But I never wanted to be a teacher, after seeing my own teacher scolding us whenever exam is coming near. Get angry if we did something wrong and she is a very, very busy woman.

And that moment, my teacher, Miss Gan came downstairs and looked at me, talking to a total stranger. She looked and him, and looked back at me. She points at that man and looked at me. I gave a I DON'T KNOW signal back. She looked at that man again and asked me :

"Why don't you wait upstairs?"

"My mother told me to wait here."

"Then wait near the restaurant."

And she left.

Then the man asked me :

"Your parents haven't come yet? It's very dangerous for you to wait here. You know? This place gets, kinda lonely when late."

I kept nodding and nodding. There's nothing I can do left, since I am not talkative and silent at most of the time.

"Where's my little girl? She should be down right now."

I asked : "What grade is she learning?"

"Oh, Grade 2."

Oh, a little girl like me when I begun learning ballet.

And then he started talking about being a ballet teacher again.

"I have two daughters learning the piano and never know what to do with their future. I told them to be music teachers. And now one opened a music school and another one is still driving around teaching students in their homes."

So this guy have very talented daughters.

Then he kept talking about being a ballet teacher is good and wants me to become one and I kept shaking my head and nodding my head. I just kept listening ._. Since, I have nothing to do.

Then his little girl came down. But he stills kept talking to me. Then his daughter said :

"I wanna go home now..."

Then he said take care and left. Then I quickly grabbed my cellphone and called my mom. Apparently she forget that my class ends at 9:30pm and came immediately.

Ekks. I am just glad I can finally go home.


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