Ballet Grade 6

Having my Grade 6 examination soon. Makes me go nervous AHHHH.

Grade 6 isn't children grade anymore, it's a performance grade, where you seriously need facial expression, eye focus and blah blah blah. Just like what my teacher says. Everything need to be done, performance-y.

I had two regrets during this grade.

ONE. I choose PINK for my leotard instead of BLUE!

I have always loved the colour pink. If it's possible, I would choose pink every time. But this time, I preferred blue much more than pink.

The reason I wanted blue because I wanted to choose the Free Movement dance, so I thought. Maybe, if I choose blue, it will be more nicer than pink. And it looks more. MORE NICE LOL.

When all of us were making final decisions, I heard the pianist said :

"If you pick blue and dancing Free Movement, it will be like water flowing around. It will definitely look great. "

Oh, that really, really brighten up my day x)

But no, my own teacher took away my confidence >___> She said :

"CEH! Even they choose blue and dance Free Movement they won't be any better. They will only spoil the colour."

They really took away my confidence, I didn't have the time to think so in the end I choose PINK. NOOOOOO.

Now, I am with my pink leotard and pink skirt. I kept telling myself. Why didn't I choose blue!? Even my mom says that I am useless. I really am. T__T

TWO. I choose Free Movement instead of Character!

There is four dances for you to choose in Grade 6. Classical 3/4, Classical 6/8 (faster than 3/4), Free Movement and Character.

I admit my techniques are weaker than everyone else so I decide to choose Free Movement as it doesn't really need techniques. Well, from small, I always choose Free Movement... ._.

My teacher also said that I am suitable for the Free Movement style so I am sticking with it. But the Character dance in this grade looked so nice to dance! T_T

But if I choose Character, I don't know if the blue leotard will fit with that :S

Blah. What's the use of regreting now? Next time, if I have the chance, I will make better choices T_T

Wheee. I suddenly wanted to post a spilt sole shoe picture :P
It's like a soft point except there's a gap between the soles of your feet.


That way we can point more better. HEHE ~ :p


Why are you still here?


Elizabeth. said…
Anyway~~ Wish u good luck~!!
Miri Elric said…
hey!! uhm.. you practice the system of the Royal Academy of dance ?
June - ♥ said…
@Inusa! : Yeah, I practice the Royal Academy of Dance. :]

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