
Showing posts from April, 2010


Have I done something good? Because the world had turned another direction for me. --- I wanted to improve my History, Geography, Kemahiran Hidup, Math and almost all subjects. Why? It's because I want to have better grades. I have always held a thought on my head, that is, I do not freaking care about my results even I am in the first class and even the headmistress want us to study our butts off to get straight As for PMR. First of all, it is hard for this year's SMK PBP (1) PMR candidates to get straight As. Unlike last year's, the standard of this year's Form 3 is te-rri-ble. Let's take a good example, my class. We are not like the any other 3As because not all of the students have big brains(Me, for example :D). We are not absolutely obedient, we are noisy, and the whole class definitely can't score straight As currently. Our class have transferred weak students from weaker class too. Not that I am saying that they are bad, I'm almost last place too. &


I have spent my weekends, AUDI-ING. To be precise, BU-ING. I was BU-ing for hours straight with my friend. But mehh, the laggyness spoils my mood. But it was fun playing with friends. Nope, my BU skills didn't improve, infact I think it got worse. Saturday was Mesha's birthday. But sadly she wasn't online or playing Audition for the whole day >: --- The battle of power, a war in a kingdom who no longer hold peace. The situation have gotten worse than before, the question is who would take the throne? Standing confusingly on the battlefield, torn apart by the people, shall I fight? Or shall I defend and protect? I never wanted this to happen, but still I have to decided. War has been going on for quite a long time, behind the smiles and laughter, though sorrow could be seen. Frustrated and confused, what should I do? Whose story shall I believe? Who shall I take sides with? Time has taken its time, and the battle was ended. The King steps down but leaves a riddle, leaving

Fangirls' Reaction

--- I want to update my blog, but is lazy. So I draw instead. It's okay, because I also experience this moments. And you know what happens.