
Have I done something good? Because the world had turned another direction for me.


I wanted to improve my History, Geography, Kemahiran Hidup, Math and almost all subjects. Why? It's because I want to have better grades.

I have always held a thought on my head, that is,

I do not freaking care about my results even I am in the first class and even the headmistress want us to study our butts off to get straight As for PMR.

First of all, it is hard for this year's SMK PBP (1) PMR candidates to get straight As. Unlike last year's, the standard of this year's Form 3 is te-rri-ble. Let's take a good example, my class.

We are not like the any other 3As because not all of the students have big brains(Me, for example :D). We are not absolutely obedient, we are noisy, and the whole class definitely can't score straight As currently. Our class have transferred weak students from weaker class too. Not that I am saying that they are bad, I'm almost last place too. >_>

I'm not sure about 3B, but they aren't all obedient students that really cared about results. Yaaay, we're gonna totally screw our school's reputation !

Anyways, I do not know what have I done, because I have gotten what I have wanted. Like I said, I want to improve my weaker subjects. TOO BAD IT'S NOT T.O.P ! *cries*

I got chosen to attend an extra Kemahiran Hidup class. I am damn happy because at least I would do exercises for KH but I do not have time for lunch because I have to stay for the class and my co-curriculum activities later. But I told my friend Zi Shan, Screw lunch, we can eat after PMR.

And, it seems my BM teacher held more power than my class teacher because she changed our seatings in class for the second time. This time, she arranges us according to our results. One super smart student guides two average students and two weak students (ME! :D)

My class top student, Marn Yee called my name first when she was told to pick the students she wanted to guide. I was like, WTH WHY ME? But I once asked her for help so she kinda kept her promise. She's damn scary and I don't know how am I gonna keep up until Mid-Term.

But I am seriously happy, seriously. I finally got a chance to improve my subjects with other people helping. But that all really depends on me, if I wanted to improve I should really depend my myself, not others. But I'm lazy and I want people to keep reminding me :P


Please don't tell your stupid lies to me. Even if you meant it, I just don't see that way.


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