
Showing posts from January, 2011

Reaching You, Once Again.

Kimi ni Todoke is back again with another new season! Fans of seeing Kuronuma Sawako struggling with friends, love and highschool life will be thrilled whenever an episode is released, like me! Each episode is sure to touch your heart, like what they did to me! I just want to say Kimi ni Todoke is a great anime, much better than the manga for me. At least I know what is going on and the animations are damn smooooth. --- Man, did I really deserve all this?

Lovely Everywhere

Danny Choo has a habit of saying 'lovely lovely' when he introduce cute things during his show. I think it's kinda strange. --- Wow, when's the last time I introduced a manga? I don't really know and I don't bother to find out. I actually felt like doing this for many times but I was just so lazy. Kay then, manga introduction begins. First of all, Lovely Everywhere isn't a Japanese manga or a Korean manhwa. It's Taiwanese and I'm not sure if there any special term for Taiwanese manga. But either way, it is drawn by mangaka Ke Li. It's the first time reading Taiwanese manga for me! Synopsis: Tong Dan Wei(that's a girl's name) has always hoped for a pretty, dependable boyfriend. One day after she done some coffee beans shopping, she accidentally bumped into a pretty guy(Lian Xiang) while in a train. Eventually, they parted ways but Dan Wei still hopes to see him one day. Her wish was granted when she entered high school. But will he acce

First Week of School.

Can I really do it by myself? --- You know, I was quite excited to finally go back to school after three months of holiday. To see my friends, that is. But it's okay to go back there and see how much money our school wasted on decorations again and again. They already installed a LCD TV, what's next? I wouldn't be surprised to find myself landing a spot in B class, but my heart really ache when all my friends were still at A class. But at least I wasn't really alone, I had some friends over there. This year, I decided to work hard on my studies. I thought I could get higher rankings in B class, heh. But on the third day staying in B class, I already begun to doubt myself. I can't do it without my friends. I am lonely. It's not that I have no one to talk to, but no one I could really open myself to. I miss chatting with my friends, or just asking them question I don't understand. Even if I sat during the same spot in the science lab, my friends just aren'

1st of January - Year 2011

I still have problem getting used to typing 2011, let alone writing. I'm so going to use so much correction tape at school. --- So yeah, 2010 is finally over and lots of people said it was a great year. I however don't really remember having any good moments. Bahh, the dancing competition affected me a lot. I think I shed a lot of tears during 2010. Yeap, a lot. Anyway, we should not dwell in the past and look forward. It will be the year of the Rabbit for the Chinese and hopefully me who has the pig as my zodiac can have great year. Getting a little superstitious, haha. So what did I do on the first day of 2011? The answer is I went out with friends including my Australian friend who came back once a year. It was great to see her along with some primary schoolmates that I haven't seen for three years. I didn't really did anything there, lol. So I'm not going to say anything. Let's talk about the future, shall we yes? Blurgh, new year