Lovely Everywhere

Danny Choo has a habit of saying 'lovely lovely' when he introduce cute things during his show. I think it's kinda strange.


Wow, when's the last time I introduced a manga? I don't really know and I don't bother to find out. I actually felt like doing this for many times but I was just so lazy.

Kay then, manga introduction begins.

First of all, Lovely Everywhere isn't a Japanese manga or a Korean manhwa. It's Taiwanese and I'm not sure if there any special term for Taiwanese manga. But either way, it is drawn by mangaka Ke Li.

It's the first time reading Taiwanese manga for me!


Tong Dan Wei(that's a girl's name) has always hoped for a pretty, dependable boyfriend. One day after she done some coffee beans shopping, she accidentally bumped into a pretty guy(Lian Xiang) while in a train. Eventually, they parted ways but Dan Wei still hopes to see him one day. Her wish was granted when she entered high school. But will he accept the Dan Wei that still looks like a elementary school kid?

Unlike manhwa who I think is ugly drawing, mangaka Ke Li draws almost similiar to Japanese manga style. Even though the art isn't like awesomely amazing pretty, I think it's good and enjoyable to read. Mangaka Ke Li clearly doesn't have any problem drawing. I even thought she/he improved her art in four chapters already.

Lovely Everywhere is really entertaining for me. It has what it takes to be a shoujo manga and the manga really made me laugh out loud. I only read four chapters but I was really satisfied. I had problems finding a good shoujo manga to read lately and this really made me happy.

Now I shall introduce the lovely characters.

Tong Dan Wei

She is a 15 year old highschooler with the amazing height of 139cm. People often mistake her as a small kid but she already got used to it. Dan Wei is very independent because she works in her family coffee shop. Obviously, she likes Lian Xiang. I think she's really cute.

Lian Xiang

The pretty boy in this lovely manga. Xiang looks like a foreigner as his friends always describe him as one. His parents are workaholics so he lives alone. Xiang always have different girlfriends every week so basically he's a playboy. He observes girls really carefully and can easily read them.

Zhou Zi Xian

Xian was already Xiang's friend since elementary school. She's a tomboy and always wear pants. When she was younger, people thought she was a boy, even fooling her close friends, excluding Xiang. You can say she is a little short-tempered and rough, not afraid to pick a fight.

Xia Wen Kui

Kui is Xiang's friend since elementary and known Xian since they were in kindergarden. He is quite silly but also funny. He is very helpful towards his friends but sometimes play tricks on them. He is among the people who thought that Xian was a boy, so he's slow. I prefer him much more than Xiang. :D

Gah, uploading the pictures took hours. When is the highspeed broadband coming. D:

Anyways, it's a nice manga for me so if you're interested you can read it at MangaFox and Mangareader.


BLURAGH I waited a whole week, staying in school miserably in a week and I didn't get an episode of Fairy Tail. Sad die.


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