
Showing posts from March, 2011

Second Last Week of March.

Why don't you just disappear into thin air already. --- Ahh, what a week. I would say it's a little special than other weeks but I guess no one really cares about it. Lalalala. It came to me and definitely surprised me. I caught a flu. I just recovered from one not long ago and already I'm infected? Aww, that just sucks so much. Woah, I was really in a bad mood on Wednesday and feeling a little sick, so I decided to skip everything that day. And Wednesday is the busiest day of the week. I feel so guilty. I was lucky because there wasn't much teaching that day, because of the SPM-results-giving-day. After a day's rest, I felt better and continue going to school. I guess my virus did spread some love and some innocent victims received it. Although there are also other sick patients other than me in my class. I still feel guilty. :D Everyone please get well soon. It was Tuesday when me and Hana went to grab lunch before our school activities begin. It rained from morni

15th of March - Freedom.

Holidays started a few days back and my table is piled homework, books and dictionaries. Took half an hour to clear them off, put them to one side, and ignored them. --- It was three years ago I stepped into the clinic and waited for my first appointment. After my name was called, I entered the room and made myself comfortable on the dentist chair. Then, I made a 'friend' that was going to be with me, and help me for a few years. Braces. I wanted to wear them, but also in some kind of way forced to stuck them into my mouth. Nahh, I really wanted to fix my horrible teeth. I didn't gave any name to my new friend, if you're wondering. Oh, the pain, the agony of wearing braces. After the first few appointments, you can't chew at all. It is like you're a baby again with no teeth. Once you wore them, there's no turning back. You're going to be stuck with it for a few years. I must tell you, while I was wearing braces, I forget the feeling of NO

An Unexisting Teacher Students Want.

Or maybe a teacher that I want. My school's monthly test just ended. Like always, I wasn't really prepared for it and I can say I already failed a subject. I can't tell if I'll have another failed subject. Let's just hope I can realize this is bad and change my bad habit. Teachers. They're the people for prepare us for the 'war'. Some might be kind, but there must always be the tough ones to really guide us to survival. But not all are great captains that can sail us safely across the terrible storm in the sea. How did I came up with this post? It's kinda bad of me to actually talk about it but I'm just being honest, I seen really terrible teachers this year. I'm a little girl and I don't know what it takes to be a teacher but I'll say for sure, they disappoint me. Instead of talking bad at people's back, I decided to list out what kind of teacher I want. I actually got the idea from all the teachers I'd seen, doesn't matt