An Unexisting Teacher Students Want.

Or maybe a teacher that I want.

My school's monthly test just ended. Like always, I wasn't really prepared for it and I can say I already failed a subject. I can't tell if I'll have another failed subject. Let's just hope I can realize this is bad and change my bad habit.

Teachers. They're the people for prepare us for the 'war'. Some might be kind, but there must always be the tough ones to really guide us to survival. But not all are great captains that can sail us safely across the terrible storm in the sea.

How did I came up with this post? It's kinda bad of me to actually talk about it but I'm just being honest, I seen really terrible teachers this year. I'm a little girl and I don't know what it takes to be a teacher but I'll say for sure, they disappoint me.

Instead of talking bad at people's back, I decided to list out what kind of teacher I want. I actually got the idea from all the teachers I'd seen, doesn't matter if their from school or outside.

1. A teacher that speaks CLEARLY and LOUDLY.

Okay, maybe loud enough to be heard. Some female teachers really expect us to hear their tiny voices and when we don't, they probably get angry and raise their volume a tiny bit higher.

I think it's really important for a teacher to speak clearly. If their voice is clear, we're sure to know what the teacher wants. If you think your voice isn't clear, just write down big words on the board and hopefully we get the idea.

When a teacher doesn't speak English clearly, I get so turned off I don't want to attend the lesson anymore.

2. Oh please, speak in one language.

I really hate, I repeat, I really HATE when teachers mix different languages when teaching. Okay, some students might not understand the terms in one language but don't go like - english english english malay malay malay malay malay malay malay malay malay malay.

Especially when it's subjects like Mathematics and Science in English, I hate it when they explain in Malay. Well, since most of the teachers are Malay so I can't help it but it's freakin' English so teach it in English. The words inside the book is English so talk to us in English.

There are times when teachers have hard time explaining in English and they go like, "Uhh, boleh saya explain dalam Bahasa Melayu?" Oh, you don't know how much I want to stand up and say a loud NO. English is really important, and now they want to change Mathematics and Science into Bahasa Melayu.

3. Sense of humour, please?

Some teachers are really dead serious that it's like a crime to smile. Even if you're a person that isn't a fan of jokes and funny stories, give us a smile will ya? It lightens the mood, really. Just don't smile evilly, it scares the shit out of us.

If a teacher uses a funny stories or jokes in class to aid us in remembering things in boring syllabus, not only we get to score in exams, we'll automatically like the teacher. Don't go overboard, though.

4. Please don't be blur, please don't be blur.

Hello? We're students that are trying to learn so don't go blur in front of us, you'll create a whole class or blur people. Also, we're young energetic teenagers, and we can't keep up with your blurness.

Pay attention to your surroundings and don't simply scold us when you think we didn't do homework when you didn't notice a pile of books on your desk.

5. Be understanding.

We're still kids and we do have a life. Think twice before giving us thousands of homework. Most of us have tuition and not all are free all the time. We might take piano lessons, violin lessons, harp lessons, trumpet lessons, cello lessons.

Plus, you don't need to mark so much when we are done with our homework.

6. You don't need to be punctual every time.

Ha, you can even don't show up sometimes. But that's not really good. :D

7. Don't always change your hairstyle.

You'll leave the students wondering what's your next hairstyle.

8. Don't be too good looking!

Students might look at your face but not all of them are paying attention. When class ends, they might be discussing the things you taught, or your face. KYAH!

Well, that's all I can think of. Eight conditions that not everyone can do, sadly. It's just something I wish for, because now my school life is killing me. The last thing I want is them, crushing my life too.


Went to watch Black Swan with Elizabeth today. I know I'm not eighteen but we got in anyways. It was a great movie, but some scenes should not be shown to kids like me.

Now people know how hard it is to be a ballerina, how frustrating when you can't do what you want, and bad when you can't control your inner self.


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