Second Last Week of March.

Why don't you just disappear into thin air already.


Ahh, what a week. I would say it's a little special than other weeks but I guess no one really cares about it. Lalalala.

It came to me and definitely surprised me. I caught a flu. I just recovered from one not long ago and already I'm infected? Aww, that just sucks so much.

Woah, I was really in a bad mood on Wednesday and feeling a little sick, so I decided to skip everything that day. And Wednesday is the busiest day of the week. I feel so guilty.

I was lucky because there wasn't much teaching that day, because of the SPM-results-giving-day.

After a day's rest, I felt better and continue going to school. I guess my virus did spread some love and some innocent victims received it. Although there are also other sick patients other than me in my class. I still feel guilty. :D

Everyone please get well soon.

It was Tuesday when me and Hana went to grab lunch before our school activities begin. It rained from morning to the afternoon and never stopped. It still drizzling after we ordered our food and waiting for it.

Then, I noticed a girl holding a customer's plate of food. She was doing her job - finding her way to serve the customer. But she walked under the rain. Step by step, she steadily walked, letting the food drenched by the water from the sky.

I was like, whatthehellifi'mthecustomeri'mnotgoingtoeatthatpaymebaaack.

My phone's camera broke. I don't take pictures so often nowadays but it's getting annoying, thinking that if I suddenly saw T.O.P walking down the streets and I have no digital camera by my side, I'll just have to stare at him, remembering his face in my mind only.

The screen doesn't show anything but yellow, blue and grey lines. Maybe I should just bring a digital camera where ever I go.

On Friday, any students who never attended a single sports practice is punished by running the field for five laps. It was like the whole school was participating a marathon at a really small field, LOL.

For the first time ever, the school decided to punish us. Over the years, even if we didn't show up for practice, we never get punished, we only got threats.

So, in the end, we wasted two periods and dirtying our shoe. I thought it was fun. And I'd rather run five laps than going for a two hour practice once a week. That's wasting time, to be honest.

It was once again Earth Hour and it landed on my special week, lol. Unlike two previous years, my family only switched off the lights. Normally, we'll just shut the whole house down.

That's because my mother wanted to see celebrity Wang Lee Hom on TV. My cousin in Malacca is also the same. Most of the girls are doing the same. Not me.

He snatched a lot of awards.

Lately, I'm crazily in love with Vocaloid Hatsune Miku song, Rolling Girl. However, I prefer dubs from real people and that person happen to be Akiakane. Not only she sang the cover of Rolling Girl, she created the song and drew the illustration of the PV!

That PV created tears in my eye. It was epic. It was intense.

I guess Akiakane did a lot better than Miku because she knows how she wants the song to be and sang it with her whole heart. When she screams in high notes, it sends chills down to my spine, in a good way.

Sunday is not over yet so I can't say anything about it. Oh well.


REALLY, I want to be a shoujo heroine in a shoujo manga.

Those girls seem to have easy life, not dealing with heaps of homework. The only main problem they deal with is love matters. And I'm not even allowed to date a guy, HAHAHAHA.

Plus, they got handsome and cool guys around them. Not only they have great looking faces, they're kind and considerate to the girls. It's just so unfair for people like us in reality.

Or maybe in a shounen manga, I could be a magician or a choosen warrior to save the world. That's still so much better than sitting for an exam.


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