15th of March - Freedom.

Holidays started a few days back and my table is piled homework, books and dictionaries. Took half an hour to clear them off, put them to one side, and ignored them.


It was three years ago I stepped into the clinic and waited for my first appointment. After my name was called, I entered the room and made myself comfortable on the dentist chair. Then, I made a 'friend' that was going to be with me, and help me for a few years.

Braces. I wanted to wear them, but also in some kind of way forced to stuck them into my mouth. Nahh, I really wanted to fix my horrible teeth. I didn't gave any name to my new friend, if you're wondering.

Oh, the pain, the agony of wearing braces. After the first few appointments, you can't chew at all. It is like you're a baby again with no teeth. Once you wore them, there's no turning back. You're going to be stuck with it for a few years. I must tell you, while I was wearing braces, I forget the feeling of NOT wearing braces.

Normally, the whole thing takes about two years. Probably because of my REALLY crooked teeth(and maybe I didn't really take of them), it extended to three years and a half. After two years of visiting the orthodontist, every extra visit made me nervous, a little bit impatient to take them off.

I KNOW RIGHT. (This is what my teeth looked before.)

I kept wondering, When the hell am I taking the braces out? Why can't I take the braces out? My teeth is so much neater than before, why doesn't the doctor just freakin' take it out?

I had always had high hope that every visit was going to be my last but it clearly it wasn't. I learned not to expect so much but just go sit there and let the doctor do things in my mouth, what I shall never know.

I had asked the doctor when I was taking off my 'friend' before and lies, lies, lies. I kept waiting and waiting, until I got bored to even care. My mother comforted me that the doctor wanted my teeth to be perfect, thus delaying taking them off.

Once again, I lay on the dentist chair in the orthodontist clinic that I'd been for three years. But yesterday, it was different. Every visit, I had to bring back home my 'friend'. Yesterday, it left my mouth, stayed at the clinic, and never bothered to come along with me.

I was free.

Of course, I still have to head back for check-ups.

It felt strange. Every time I used my tongue to touch my teeth, it was smooth and there was no friction against my tongue. Couldn't feel any wire or bracket, just normal teeth.

This was meant to be shared among my family, but oh well, it is my blog.

It still feels weird, but I'll get used to it. I think people around me will feel the same way too. Just like how I'll get used to seeing my friend's new glasses. x]


Going to the same orthodontist clinic for three years, I still have no idea what tool they used on me and what is their function. I know there's one that sucks up your saliva ...

Anyways, humans are easier observe so here's what I learn from seeing the same people after three years being there.

The Doctor (Dr.Lee) - Definitely a perfectionist. During the last few visits, he keep praising about my teeth. But the strange thing was, he won't take the braces off! Even the nurses asked why I wore them for so long. He wanted them to be so perfect until I got frustrated waiting. But it's for my own good so.

He seems impatient. He talks really fast and he can't say the same word one time. Example, say 'bite'. He would say, 'bite bite bite'. When he's working on patient's mouth, he's rough and sometimes my mouth hurt more than my teeth.

Thank you Dr.Lee for fixing my teeth.

The Receptionist - She is really kind. With her soft voice, I never feel afraid or nervous around her. During my first visit, I liked her instantly. She was also the only one who can remember my name.

Thank you for remembering my name and pronouncing it correctly while other staffs keep getting it wrong.

The Nurses - Do you call them that? They're all girls so I guess it's okay. It was only recently there are new trainees using their unexperience hands on patients.

I'm always scared when a trainee do something with my teeth. I would relax when there seniors are supervising but if they're gone, I'll panic inside. The trainees are also more afraid of hurting the patients so they're normally gentle, saying 'Sorry sorry sorry' even when they never really hurt me.

Thank you for doing whatever it is good for my teeth.

Thank you, my parents for everything. <3


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