
Showing posts from June, 2011

Baby, Don't Cry.

Life is filled with nothing but disappointment and pain. Well, I'm sure mine is. --- I wanted to post about my birthday, but now that I think about it, I already mentioned everything about my birthday. Nothing really happened on my birthday so, yeah. I want to thank all the birthday wishes that were given to me. I'm glad there are people who still remember my birthday without looking at Facebook. But, thanks anyway. As I grow older, my birthday doesn't seem to be so important anymore. When I was small, I would want my mother to bake a cake or eat outside, give me presents or held a party. Although my mother only organized one. I love you, mum. It was just a day to mark how many years I have been on this earth, the day I was given life and I think it will be better to appreciate every other single days too. I think Chinese New Year is better than my birthday. BLAHH, I did received presents, thanks to my wonderful friends. Gray Fullbuster from Reiki and a really cute pencil b

The End.

Well, two weeks of holiday is coming near to and end there's nothing no one can do about. Time to put on our uniforms, wake up damn early and go to school. I hate this feeling, seriously. When I was at primary school, I really HATED to go back to school. I feel like crying the night before school and wished I could turn back time. My mom would wake up the next day and I wished for the next holiday. Things got better during secondary, probably because secondary life isn't as hard as primary. And there are my friends too. But I see my friends a lot during holidays, so it doesn't make a difference. Blargh, I haven't felt like this for such a long time. That's the way of life. The things I would miss most are sleeping late and waking up late, playing the computer, and AuditionSEA. --- Yesterday was my birthday. I was quite happy, I guess. It's been a while since I blown candles on a cake. But it's not actually cake, it's brownies. My mother was out so my aun

-VSP-Club's Getting Bigger.

-VSP-Club ftw. ;flow --- It's the holidays and it was I guess, Mesha or Flake's idea to recruit new members. Since we can Audi almost everyday, so I think it's okay. Plus, the only active members are three of us only, we wanted new members. The recruiting lasted for three days, all in Free 2. Total members recruiting are, I don't know I have no idea how many. Somehow, we attract stiffys and novices. At first, we wanted to test their luck. The person who is interested to join VSP has to pick either me, Mesha or Flake. If they pick Mesha, they'll have to play CC4, Flake - CC8, me - Freestyle/Crazy Freestyle. But somehow the people don't get the idea or straight away asked for our requirements. In the end, we just gave them the three choices, and test them. My requirement was less popular, and some didn't know the shortform of freestyle, fs. Sad die. Most popular I guess it's CC4. Still there are some who go for CC8. Along the recruiting session, we made ne