
Showing posts from September, 2011


Gah, I haven't update my blog. How lazy can I be? --- On the 23th of September, I had my Advanced Foundation Ballet exam. Skipped school and had to prepare in the early morning. Had problems with my hair, rawr. My examiner was an Australian and according to my friends who had their examinations before me, he doesn't smile. What could be more creepy than that!? I think it went okay. I didn't made any mistakes and the free work was okay. But I wished I could do better. That's what everyone would say, right? On the 24th of September, I went to the Korean Music Wave. I saw T.O.P. I can die peacefully now LOL JK. Anyway, I wish I can post some photos but all of them were blur. It was because of my trembling hands and the people who kept waving their glow sticks. It was a really fun experience. I got to see many Korean artists like FT Island, U-KISS, 4 Minute, Teen Top, Park Jung Min and most importantly, SeungRi and GD&TOP. I want to thanks my parents the most, for givin

The Picture Says It All .

Thanks to xHanamiru Nobledancer ~ICEx3~ Angieex3 -2030-AhGal ~x2~MaMa ~4EVERHIMx3 -WAHLAO Special thanks to xSnowFlake yippy Lastly, I thank you for everything IKiNgI

10th of September - Timing.

The fridge is down. The gate can't close properly. The internet went wrong at the wrong moment. I had lots of people waiting. When I thought I could be happy on this day, I ended up feeling terrible. A special day that I could remember I thought. It was special, yeah. I'm sure I won't forget this horrible day easily. It's all about timing, and all I had was bad timing.

Song of the Cloud

I want to thank my parents, my uncles and aunts. T.O.PYOU'REDAYSAWAYFROMME. --- Ahh, I'm going to do something that I usually would NEVER do. I'm going to post about a Korean manhwa. GASPWHATTHEHECKDIDYOUSAY? If you're clueless, let me explain. I hate Korean manwha. Like I said many times before, they're ugly. Yes, I do judge a manga/manhwa by it's cover, because the drawing really affect the way I read, in my opinion. Many times had I clicked a link to a manhwa and many times I just clicked the 'back' button because of the ugly page preview or just the sight of the Korean characters. It's not that I hate things that's gotta do with Korean, I love T.O.P. I just don't like their comics. Straight to the point shall we? 'Song of the Cloud' is the title of the manhwa I'm going to introduce. It strongly reminds me of 'Taiyou no Uta', meaning 'The Sun's Song' which was a manga/movie that moved me to tears. Even 2NE1