Song of the Cloud

I want to thank my parents, my uncles and aunts. T.O.PYOU'REDAYSAWAYFROMME.


Ahh, I'm going to do something that I usually would NEVER do. I'm going to post about a Korean manhwa.


If you're clueless, let me explain. I hate Korean manwha. Like I said many times before, they're ugly. Yes, I do judge a manga/manhwa by it's cover, because the drawing really affect the way I read, in my opinion.

Many times had I clicked a link to a manhwa and many times I just clicked the 'back' button because of the ugly page preview or just the sight of the Korean characters. It's not that I hate things that's gotta do with Korean, I love T.O.P. I just don't like their comics.

Straight to the point shall we? 'Song of the Cloud' is the title of the manhwa I'm going to introduce. It strongly reminds me of 'Taiyou no Uta', meaning 'The Sun's Song' which was a manga/movie that moved me to tears. Even 2NE1's Dara watched it!

*COUGH* Err, let's just go straight to the synopsis(took from Mangareader) :

These people have been living unhappy lives because they've never been able to do what they want. Ga Yeon's smart, but wants to become a singer. However, she's been forced to live a life of someone else's decision. Jae Hee is a piano player, but suffers from the delusion from his traumatic past. Dong Woo and Min Seo are a couple who are talented musicians but can't make music they wish to make. Hyuk's a guitar player but it forced to be in an idol band, rather than what he really wants. The five come together and make a band of their own.

I guess I'm attracted to the manhwa because of the tough situation every character was placed in. I love to see how the characters face it and solve it. The manhwa was placed into the 'Tragedy' category so I guess I like crying while reading too.

Oh, besides of the story, the art was very different from other manhwa and manga. Instead of looking like a drawn manhwa, I felt like I was looking at 3D pictures when reading 'Song of the Cloud'. The drawing of the character is okay, but I think it's the colouring that gave me the eye-popping feel.The first few pages was wonderfully coloured, my jaws were hanging in awe. Not meaning that the rest of the pages were terrible.

Ahh, it's a little strange mentioning Korean names.

Ga Yeon

Her dream was to be singer but as a high schooler, her mother didn't not let her. She followed any orders given but soon she struggled. She then met a lady and that changed her life forever. Anyways, she says she wants to be singer but there isn't any proof in the manhwa that says she's good at singing or whatever.

Jae Hee

Omg, don't you think he's so good looking? He was officially became the first handsome Korean manhwa character in my list. Jae Hee is a excellent pianist in such young age, but he actually suffers from schizophrenia. He can't differeniate things from illusions or reality. The reason of this is because of a traumatic accident when he was 8. He thens meet Ga Yeon decides to form a band with her.

Dong Woo

A drummer that became devasted when the his group disband. He is revealed to be very fragile and choose to believe things that probably ... doesn't exist. His character development is still halfway and I'm dying to know what's going to happen next.

Min Seo

Min Seo's story hasn't really begun but she already appeared so I'll write something. She was Dong Woo's girlfriend and they were in the same band.

According to the synopsis, there's another character but he hadn't appeared. Gosh, I wish they update it as soon as possible because it's so rare to read a great comic, not to mention manhwa.

I guess I really like to read this kind of manga/manhwa lately. In the past, I had read a manga about a girl who also given a tough situation and how she faced it. That manga made me cried terribly, showing us how cruel the world is even though the heroine tried her very best for her loved one. That's the slice of life for you.

I love the story and drawing of this manga. It was so beautiful that it scared me.

EDIT : I can't believe I left out the author's name! It's Ho Rang, and I really pay my respect towards he/she. Out of curiosity, I went to the author's website and made an amazing discovery.

Ho Rang was also the author of a REALLY scary web comic that was going around recently.

A glimpse of the scary comic.

I myself had never read the comic but I heard how scary it was from my friends. Even by just telling me the story, I had disturbing thoughts. I'm a coward, so I think I will never read the comic. The comic is about a girl walking at a dark street when she came across a figure that looks broken? Then, thanks to Ho Rang's amazing ability to tweak the scroll bar and of course, amazing art, it leaves you a horrifying experience you will never forget.

You can read this manga Song of the Cloud here !

Read the scary web comic Bongcheon-Dong Ghost here !


Every surprise made my heart skip a beat, but I'm not hating it.


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