
Showing posts from April, 2012

The Day I Fell.

I caught a glimpse of the ball as it flied to the hands of the opponent team. With my legs, I ran towards the girl. I felt my legs stomping the ground as I bought my body with me. My eyes were only on the red ball. The sun was shining so brightly on the cement court. Shadows of ours danced as was ran from one side of the court to another. It was so intense. I could feel it. There was so much adrenaline. I just wanted to grab the ball and then win for my team. My hands reached towards the opponent who was running away from me. She shot pass by me and I had to go after her. I could still feel my legs. I ran. And then, our body came into contact. And then, I fell. --- The pain came as soon as she ran away with the ball. I couldn't stand. I fell to the ground. I can't feel much of my right foot except for pain, pain, pain. It felt like it was ripped apart. It felt terrible. I didn't scream, I just was in agony. Shadows fell on me as the other girls gathered around m

21st of April - The Last Run.

Wadda heck happened to Blogger? It had changed soooo much. It's like another website to me already, LOL. Gahh, I'm not used to it and I think the whole thing is weird. Me no like changes :< But it does give me extra information. Unnecessary, perhaps? But then, oh well. ARGH, I'm not used to this. --- So yeah, I'm already spending my fifth year at my secondary school. And I'm sure everyone hates school especially the studying and exam part, but I actually like the events going around unlike primary schools where I spent my childhood studying and receiving pressure. Secondary is actually fun. And so, it's my final year I'm participating in our school's road run. I missed my first year because I was sick. Did I post about this before? I don't know. Anyway, I wanted to run. I love running. Running since I was 7. But I'm not fast, sadly. So it was like every other year, we gather at the school's field and do some basic warm ups which


If you were to be standing in my shoes, facing my problems, going through what I have experienced, what will you do? Will you do better or worse? No one knows, only me. Because those are my shoes you are wearing, and they only fit me. --- It does .. seem like a very random topic, doesn't it? Well, I'm not expert in fashion and I don't give a damn about it. I'm just blogging whatever is in my mind somehow it's shoes. Shoes, shoes, shoes. So one Saturday when I was hanging out with my friends. We watched the Hunger Games (Nice show, gotta read the book soon) and then my friend wanted to shop for heels. I didn't joined them because I wanted to get back home in time for Guitar Arena, HAHAHA. I'm so bad. Anyway, I had no interests in high heels. In fact, I don't really like them. It hurts my heel and just like my previous Physic teacher advised us ladies to not wear high heels too much as our weight acts on a small surface area and thus pressure is created an