The Day I Fell.

I caught a glimpse of the ball as it flied to the hands of the opponent team.

With my legs, I ran towards the girl. I felt my legs stomping the ground as I bought my body with me. My eyes were only on the red ball.

The sun was shining so brightly on the cement court. Shadows of ours danced as was ran from one side of the court to another. It was so intense. I could feel it. There was so much adrenaline. I just wanted to grab the ball and then win for my team.

My hands reached towards the opponent who was running away from me. She shot pass by me and I had to go after her. I could still feel my legs. I ran. And then, our body came into contact.

And then, I fell.


The pain came as soon as she ran away with the ball. I couldn't stand. I fell to the ground. I can't feel much of my right foot except for pain, pain, pain. It felt like it was ripped apart. It felt terrible. I didn't scream, I just was in agony. Shadows fell on me as the other girls gathered around me.

'Did you sprained your ankle?'
'Can you stand?'
'Are you alright?'

No, I don't know the feeling of a sprained ankle. I don't want a sprained ankle. I don't want to get injured. Of course I can't stand, it feels horrible by just sitting on the hard cement floor. No, I'm not alright. What if I can't dance again? What if I can't do the things I did before? I felt so helpless.

My body weight was barely supported by my friends as I limped my way to the canteen near the court. I didn't like the feeling of depending on people. I thought I was going to be okay. The pain has already ceased and I thought it was going to be fine. I'm gonna be okay later. I'm okay.

I smiled. My friends told me I should go to the health room. I laughed. I thought it was just an unlucky accident.  I sat on the bench and looked at the others play. How unfortunate I had to leave the court injured, I was starting to fall in love with basketball. How unlucky I was.

A part of my right foot started to swell. I knew I had to do something. I walked my way to the health room. I waved to my Wushu teacher as he taught the students of the afternoon session. He didn't even noticed how much pain I had gone through. He smiled back at me.

My chemistry teacher took a look at my foot as I sat down on the sofa of the health room. She did what she had to do as a teacher as I waited. I only looked at my foot as my teacher massage the area where it swelled. There was pain, but still bearable. My teacher said my pain receptors were deep in my skin.

Thanks to my lovely friends, I munched on the biscuits I bought with me to school. I didn't really had the appetite to eat. I was thinking how long will this injury be there. How long till I am able to dance again. Will I heal 100% and go back to my normal life? Am I going to survive this obstacle? Many thoughts went to my head, things and people.

Eventually, I returned to class. I managed to fool everyone by walking almost naturally. But still, there are still people who knew what happened and asked about it. I smiled, I said I fell and then I turned away. The class was noisy as our Math teacher wasn't here for already two weeks. Just like me, he's facing an obstacle, probably worse than mine. I really hope he's okay.

I wonder what got into my head. I sprained my foot badly and based my memories, my Ballet teacher told us how careful we have to be and how fast we have to react once we got an injury. But there I was, limping my way to the canteen, bought fried rice as my lunch and acting like there was nothing else in the world except for the drama competition that I had to go to support my friends. What the hell was I doing?

I could have went back home straight after I sprained my foot, but I did not. I watch the Form 4 students acted out their Alice in Wonderland parody, laughed at my friend's drama and limped my way back to the hall to do my duty as a secretary of the Wushu club. I took attendance of the students, counted how many heads there are and walked back and forth to the health room, hoping I can see the teacher again.

Sigh, how I felt like running and joining the Wushu members when they were practising. They flew in the air, jumped high above the ground, kicking their legs with their strength. How I missed the feeling of my feet already. But I could only watch as I sat beside where they were. I'm glad my friends were there for me, and thanks to Hana who bought me more ice.

I was stupid to wait. The moment I got into my mother's car, I grabbed my cellphone in my bag that contained my Ballet stuffs and dialled for my teacher. I think that was the most sensible thing I did that day. I broke the new to her and as expected, she was frustrated I hurt myself. I asked for her advice and did what she told me to, I went to see the doctor. Or you could say someone specialised in examining foot and doing what's right. In other words, I don't know the term for the person I went to see.

Anyway, I limped my way to see the doctor. After waiting for quite a long time while watching some Chinese Kung Fu movies, I limped my way into the room and let the doctor check on my food. She applied some liquid on my foot and began to massage my foot. Ahh, she knew exactly where I was hurt without asking and the places she massaged hurt me like, ohmyflowerhanamiru - PAIN. For the first time on that day, I gave into the pain. Then, another woman took over and basically she seemed like to jerk my leg, surprising me and made me experienced a mini heart attack.

I returned home with a bandage on my right foot. I couldn't attend my Ballet class or do any sports activities for two weeks. It hurt more than before I went to see the doctor. I skipped two days of school, caused my mother to worry me, made people forbid me to play basketball and I can't drink tea when I was at a dinner my cousin treated us when I went back to my hometown, Malacca. I CAN'T DRINK TEA.

For nights my foot swelled like a balloon getting ready to burst. How I had to resist my temptation to take a needle and pop is simply indescribable. If you had to compare my right leg and my left leg, you wouldn't need to compare, it's worlds apart. It's obviously swollen to core until you can't see my ankle. And people always compared that I was skinny that I was made of skin and bones, maybe I should show them this. My right foot looks reaaaaally fat.

I don't know when will I recover. I don't know if I can dance again. I think of all the things I want to do after it heals. I want to walk again. I want to feel my foot again. I want to be normal again. And maybe, just maybe, play basketball again?



Right here, right now, I want you.

It feels stupid that it's only been such a short time, we made promises of a life time.

But I believe. I'm not gonna just let these feelings slip by.


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