21st of April - The Last Run.

Wadda heck happened to Blogger? It had changed soooo much. It's like another website to me already, LOL. Gahh, I'm not used to it and I think the whole thing is weird. Me no like changes :< But it does give me extra information. Unnecessary, perhaps? But then, oh well.

ARGH, I'm not used to this.


So yeah, I'm already spending my fifth year at my secondary school. And I'm sure everyone hates school especially the studying and exam part, but I actually like the events going around unlike primary schools where I spent my childhood studying and receiving pressure. Secondary is actually fun.

And so, it's my final year I'm participating in our school's road run. I missed my first year because I was sick. Did I post about this before? I don't know. Anyway, I wanted to run. I love running. Running since I was 7. But I'm not fast, sadly.

So it was like every other year, we gather at the school's field and do some basic warm ups which I think doesn't help us much. I rather do my own warm ups. But oh, they played 2NE1's I Am The Best. I felt like dancing straight away, HAHA. After waiting for the younger students to leave the field, we went out through gate and began running.

I don't really have a strategy on running. I always wanted to get a medal, but I simply don't have the stamina. My friends always think I can do it, and has high expectation on me, but I really can't. After running for three years, I have improved, but it just wasn't enough. I didn't expect to win this year too, I just wanted to run for the last time, along with the people in my school.

My friends didn't wanted to run this year, even though it's their last. Hana used to run and she got quite good rankings, but she walked. Chee Chee didn't even wanted to come to school but she did. My little sister is so damn cute, okay that was damn random. Anyway, I said I wanted to run for them.

So I did my best. I ran. I walked. I gasped for air. I breathed fast. I triggered my abbs for no reason and it hurt like hell. I listened to my music with my phone. I overtook people. People overtook me. I ran. I reached the finishing line and I got the 31st place. And I was like, 'Aww, one more rank and I could got myself a medal.'

But I wasn't really disappointed. When I knew my ranking I was just so tired I don't care. I wanted the 7Up Revive like how last year they gave us free but they didn't! They didn't even gave us food. So when the Milo truck came into our school, EVERYONE dashed for it. I was lucky I was passing by and I went to queue up.

And what do you know, some uncivilized bastards start pushing around and cutting queues. The prefects can't do much since there was so many people. Imagine sweaty students that stink especially guys pushing around and gah, it felt horrible. I was near the truck but I didn't move from my spot for minutes. Damn those people. I wish I could just drown them in Milo. I got a cup of Milo, whee.

Then, it was time for the medal/prize giving ceremony. I don't what the hell is wrong with this year but they told us to sit according to our houses. It means we're separated from our friends which are from other houses. That just sucks.

Oh, this was also my first time bringing my phone to school. I had been a good girl for so long and I finally went against the rules. Oh, I feel so rebellious >_> LOL. Nahh, I had to bring it because I wanted to listen to music and contact my brother as I was staying back for drama practice.

Ahh, I never thought I would participate in a drama project but I was only the narrator. I didn't have to act, just speak some lines. It was okay, I guess. I loved the script my classmate wrote and the whole thing was funny. I don't know, I felt close to my class.

Well, it started raining so we stopped practicing. I went back home with an empty stomach. It feels great taking a shower after sweating so much. Exam is coming. I had fried rice for dinner. My timetable is changing soon. I'm so random kay thanks bye.


Don't let go.


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