
If you were to be standing in my shoes, facing my problems, going through what I have experienced, what will you do? Will you do better or worse?

No one knows, only me. Because those are my shoes you are wearing, and they only fit me.


It does .. seem like a very random topic, doesn't it?

Well, I'm not expert in fashion and I don't give a damn about it. I'm just blogging whatever is in my mind somehow it's shoes. Shoes, shoes, shoes.

So one Saturday when I was hanging out with my friends. We watched the Hunger Games (Nice show, gotta read the book soon) and then my friend wanted to shop for heels. I didn't joined them because I wanted to get back home in time for Guitar Arena, HAHAHA. I'm so bad.

Anyway, I had no interests in high heels. In fact, I don't really like them. It hurts my heel and just like my previous Physic teacher advised us ladies to not wear high heels too much as our weight acts on a small surface area and thus pressure is created and something bad might happen. :3

Even for my not-so-tall height, people told me not to wear high heels cause they say I'm too tall. I'm not tall at all, seriously. But I'll listen to them and not wear high heels.

But you know what I like? SNEAKERS.

CONVERSEEE ! Aren't they the most beautiful thing ever?

Since I could remember, I always shopped for sneakers. I have three pairs at my storeroom and one of them is a Converse, though .. it's fake. OH MAI WHEN I'M HAVING A REAL ONE *cries*

I think sneakers look way more nicer and it's cool. I don't wear skirts so you can always see me in jeans. And jeans go better with sneakers. And I can jump, stomp, run, bounce around, slide, shuffle better with sneakers than high heels. And they don't click.

Another shoe that I would love to wear is something not everyone can wear. Yeah, they're pointe shoes.

My newly bought pointe shoes.
Not everyone would play RM100+ to wear them(?)

Standing on your toes sounds painful for most people but I think feeling is sensational. In fact, among all the different kind of Ballet shoes, I enjoy wearing pointe shoes the most. Even though I had lost two toenails, gotten countless of bruises and had my skin torn, it still feels amazing to put them on.

I mean it's not like I enjoy the pain but I don't know, it's fun to wear them. I enjoy pointe work and standing on the tip is fun for me. And what do you know, when you wear pointe shoes, you're actually taller than when you're wearing high heels ! Pointe shoes, FTW.

Oh by the way, the sandals that I wore for don't know how long has finally had its strap broken. I was on my way to my Ballet class when it broke. I had to kinda limp and drag my slipper up the staircase, bring with it down after class and struggled to walk to the car while a guy looked at me. Ahh well, I guess I have to finally change my shoes.

Mom bought me a red sandals days after I said goodbye to my pink sandals. Actually she bought two but there's no way I'm gonna wear sandals that has a butterfly printing. Ugh, disgusting butterflies.

So, I guess that's it.



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