
Showing posts from July, 2012

Alive With Desperation.

One simply cannot compare the need to have Big Bang concert tickets today and the time when they organized Korean Music Wave. If I had to compare the desperation, getting tickets to KMW is like wanting to eat after starving for a week. But to get Big Bang's Alive tour concert is like starving for a month. I apologize, I never starved before and now it's the months of fasting for the Islams so I guess that isn't a really good example to explain my desperation. But yeah, I was desperate to get the tickets I thought I would kiss the ground if I got the tickets. 28th of July, the epic day when the selling of Big Bang concert tickets begin. I bet everyone was either waiting in line or getting ready their mouses to purchase online. While, I was at tuition learning half wave rectification and other Physic related stuff. Yes, I wanted to get the tickets but unfortunately education come first. But really, I was worried like sick. I had to get tickets for myself and two other


It began one afternoon when I had to stay back at my school for dance practice. You see, our Physical Education teacher wanted us to dance and based on our performance, she will grade us. Actually, it's not really necessary but people want to dance, so yeah. I miss dancing too. One thing I'm grateful about my school that it was WiFi and thanks to the people who managed to get the password, I was able to get online with my phone. Actually, it's not really a secret or something big to bring hand phones. In fact, some teacher do know that we bring hand phones to school. I was checking my twitter when I noticed my assistant monitor posted that he was selected for Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) which is actually Malaysia's national service. I was feeling rather nervous yet excited, because I wanted to know if I was selected too. Unlike Singapore or Korea, Malaysia's NS isn't compulsory for all 18 year old. And here, females can be selected too. The perio


It's the time when I should be actually be sleeping, but screw it. I haven't blog for a very long time and I have no excuse, bleah. Just last Saturday was my cousin's wedding and I guess many things happened lately. One thing that I'm sure is that many people injured their foot this year, I don't know why. --- Change, many people refuse to do so because why change? If things are doing well, I guess there's no need, but if things aren't going your way, or you want to lead a different path, a change is a must. Humans are given the ability to adapt so there are humans all around the world. So change isn't a really bad thing, right? I know I should change but I'm not gonna talk about me today. I'm talking my favourite girl group, 2NE1. And yeah, they changed. Few days ago, 2NE1 came back by releasing their new single 'I Love You'. By looking at their teaser, listening to their short music clips, I was damn excited for their ret