
It began one afternoon when I had to stay back at my school for dance practice. You see, our Physical Education teacher wanted us to dance and based on our performance, she will grade us. Actually, it's not really necessary but people want to dance, so yeah. I miss dancing too.

One thing I'm grateful about my school that it was WiFi and thanks to the people who managed to get the password, I was able to get online with my phone. Actually, it's not really a secret or something big to bring hand phones. In fact, some teacher do know that we bring hand phones to school.

I was checking my twitter when I noticed my assistant monitor posted that he was selected for Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) which is actually Malaysia's national service. I was feeling rather nervous yet excited, because I wanted to know if I was selected too.

Unlike Singapore or Korea, Malaysia's NS isn't compulsory for all 18 year old. And here, females can be selected too. The period of time we're going to be under army training is only three months compared to SG which is two years. And people should know Malaysia's standard, it isn't as strict as what we watch on TV.

The time they announced who are selected is delayed this year and some even said that December will be the time we are informed. Luckily, that day we Form 5s didn't have to wait anymore and many of us checked the website or SMS-ed to find our fate.

Besides my group, there was another group of girls practicing. We only used my phone as our source of music, which is SNSD's Gee. But they had a whole laptop. The WiFi of our school isn't really fast and the PLKN website is slow because the whole Malaysia is browsing it at the moment. The SMS service wasn't really fast either.

I checked Facebook to see who was selected and who managed to escape. I would guess the ratio is 1:1. We, who are in school began to be impatient as we were kept updating by other's people fate. No one in school in that moment could check. We didn't even had the mood to dance anymore, haha.

We walked around the school, trying to see where the WiFi is strongest. We even tried the library's WiFi. Unfortunately, it didn't helped much. Then, one of my friend gave up waiting and used the SMS service. Six minutes later, she got the news that she was selected. Realizing that the school WiFi is slow as hell, I decided to try for the SMS service.

Six minutes. Oh my Hanamiru, how long did that felt. We tried practicing but everyone was wandering around, worried. The choreography of the dance ran through my head, I could just dance any moment. I memorized it perfectly already. I kept checking my phone, hoping the WiFi was strong enough, checking if I received any reply.

Ding, my friend received a message that said she wasn't selected. She jumped in joy while I checked my phone again. I immediately kneel at the ground laughing when I saw I haven't send the message yet. Another six minute torture for me.

While waiting, the girls suddenly screamed saying that managed to have access to the website and we all gathered around the laptop. I keyed in my IC number and the screen refreshes by itself. The screen came back with words on it saying,


which basically means I'm not selected for the national service. I do not have to leave home and head to a camp. I do not have to waste three months learning army skills. I do not have to wear some blue uniform and marching under the sun. I do not have the chance to hold a real M16 and fire bullets.

Many of the girls envied me, especially the ones who were selected. I particularly don't have any feelings towards this, because before this I really wanted to go for NS but now I think it's a simply waste of time. I wouldn't mind if I got chosen though. I think it will be a great experience.

The next day, everyone asked everyone if they got selected for the program. All teachers said NS was a good thing and told the ones who got selected should be grateful to have that chance. No one really could agree with the teacher's opinion.

Another thing is, people say that the results this time isn't official. We don't really know the real meaning behind the word 'unofficial', so we can't really say anything. Will the ones selected be 'unselected', and the ones who got away may still have a chance to get selected? We don't know.

Oh well, no one knows one's fate anyway.


I won't be dancing now. Or soon. Sigh.


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